Source code for seq.B1calibration

import controller.experiment_gui as ex
import numpy as np
import seq.mriBlankSeq as blankSeq  # Import the mriBlankSequence for any new sequence.
import scipy.signal as sig
import configs.hw_config as hw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

[docs] class B1calibration(blankSeq.MRIBLANKSEQ): def __init__(self): super(B1calibration, self).__init__() # Input the parameters self.addParameter(key='seqName', string='B1calibration', val='B1calibration') self.addParameter(key='nScans', string='Number of scans', val=1, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='larmorFreq', string='Larmor frequency (MHz)', val=3.08, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExAmpInit', string='RF initial amplitude (a.u.)', val=0.2, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExAmpFinal', string='RF final amplitude (a.u.)', val=1.0, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='RFampSteps', string='RF amp steps', val=9, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExTimeInit', string='RF initial length (us)', val=1.0, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExTimeFinal', string='RF final length (us)', val=1000.0, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='RFtimeSteps', string='RF time steps', val=100, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='deadTime', string='RF dead time (us)', val=100.0, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='repetitionTime', string='Repetition time (ms)', val=50., field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='acqTime', string='Acquisition time (ms)', val=1.0, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='nReadout', string='Number of points', val=100, field='IM') self.addParameter(key='shimming', string='Shimming (*1e4)', val=[-70, -90, 10], field='OTH') self.addParameter(key='addRdPoints', string='addRdPoints', val=5, field='OTH') self.addParameter(key='txChannel', string='Tx channel', val=0, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rxChannel', string='Rx channel', val=0, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExPhase', string='RF Exc Phase', val=0, field='RF')
[docs] def sequenceInfo(self): print("B1calibration\n")
[docs] def sequenceTime(self): nScans = self.mapVals['nScans'] RFampSteps = self.mapVals['RFampSteps'] RFtimeSteps = self.mapVals['RFtimeSteps'] repetitionTime = self.mapVals['repetitionTime']*1e-3 return(RFampSteps*RFtimeSteps*repetitionTime*nScans/60) # minutes, scanTime
[docs] def sequenceRun(self, plotSeq=0, demo=False): init_gpa = False # Starts the gpa # Create input parameters nScans = self.mapVals['nScans'] larmorFreq = self.mapVals['larmorFreq'] # MHz rfExAmpIni = self.mapVals['rfExAmpInit'] rfExAmpEnd = self.mapVals['rfExAmpFinal'] nExAmp = self.mapVals['RFampSteps'] rfExTimeIni = self.mapVals['rfExTimeInit'] # us rfExTimeEnd = self.mapVals['rfExTimeFinal'] # us nExTime = self.mapVals['RFtimeSteps'] deadTime = self.mapVals['deadTime'] # us repetitionTime = self.mapVals['repetitionTime'] * 1e3 # us acqTime = self.mapVals['acqTime'] * 1e3 # us nReadout = self.mapVals['nReadout'] shimming = np.array(self.mapVals['shimming']) * 1e-4 txChannel = self.mapVals['txChannel'] rxChannel = self.mapVals['rxChannel'] addRdPoints = self.mapVals['addRdPoints'] rfExPhase = self.mapVals['rfExPhase'] dataAll = [] matrix = np.zeros((nExTime, nExAmp, nReadout+addRdPoints)) * np.exp(1j) t90 = np.zeros(nExAmp) B1 = np.zeros(nExAmp) # RF PULSES rfExPhase = rfExPhase * np.pi / 180 rfAmp = np.linspace(rfExAmpIni, rfExAmpEnd, nExAmp, endpoint=True) rfExAmp = rfAmp * np.exp(1j * rfExPhase) rfExTime = np.linspace(rfExTimeIni, rfExTimeEnd, nExTime, endpoint=True) timeFID = np.linspace(0, acqTime, nReadout, endpoint=True) self.mapVals['rfExTime'] = rfExTime self.mapVals['timeFID'] = timeFID tStart = float(20) def createSequence(): # Shimming self.iniSequence(tStart, shimming) # shimming is turned on 20 us after experiment beginning tTx = tStart for scan in range(nScans): for indexAmp in range(nExAmp): for indexExTime in range(nExTime): # Excitation pulse tTx = tTx + repetitionTime self.rfRecPulse(tTx, rfExTime[indexExTime], rfExAmp[indexAmp], 0, channel=txChannel) # Rx gate tRx = tTx + hw.blkTime + rfExTime[indexExTime] + deadTime - addRdPoints / bwReal self.rxGate(tRx, acqTimeReal + addRdPoints / bwReal, channel=rxChannel) # self.rxGateSync(tRx, acqTimeReal, rxChannel=rxChannel) # self.ttl(tRx - 100, acqTime, channel=1, rewrite=True) self.endSequence(repetitionTime * nExAmp * nExTime * nScans) # Initialize the experiment bw = nReadout / acqTime * hw.oversamplingFactor # MHz samplingPeriod = 1 / bw # us self.expt = ex.Experiment(lo_freq=larmorFreq, rx_t=samplingPeriod, init_gpa=init_gpa, gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1)) samplingPeriodReal = self.expt.get_rx_ts()[0] bwReal = 1 / samplingPeriodReal / hw.oversamplingFactor # MHz acqTimeReal = nReadout / bwReal # us self.mapVals['bwReal'] = bwReal # MHz createSequence() if self.floDict2Exp(): print("Sequence waveforms loaded successfully") pass else: print("ERROR: sequence waveforms out of hardware bounds") return False if plotSeq == 0: # Run the experiment and get data rxd, msgs = self.expt.__del__() print(' End') dataFull = sig.decimate(rxd['rx0']*hw.adcFactor, hw.oversamplingFactor, ftype='fir', zero_phase=True) dataFull = np.reshape(dataFull, (nScans, -1)) data = np.average(dataFull, axis=0) nExAmp = self.mapVals['RFampSteps'] nExTime = self.mapVals['RFtimeSteps'] rfExTime = self.mapVals['rfExTime'] timeFID = self.mapVals['timeFID'] addRdPoints = self.mapVals['addRdPoints'] matrix = np.reshape(data, (nExAmp, nExTime, -1)) matrix = np.delete(matrix, np.s_[0:addRdPoints], axis=2) self.matrix = matrix # Fit to a interpolant spline to get accurate t90 for indexAmp in range(nExAmp): data = matrix[indexAmp, :, 1] spl = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rfExTime, abs(data)) spl.set_smoothing_factor(0.5) interpolatedFIDtime = np.linspace(rfExTimeIni, rfExTimeEnd, 5 * nExTime, endpoint=True) fitteddata = spl(interpolatedFIDtime) # Get the indices of maximum element in fitted data indexmax = np.argmax(fitteddata) t90[indexAmp] = interpolatedFIDtime[indexmax] B1[indexAmp] = ((np.pi / 2) / (2 * np.pi * hw.gammaB * t90[indexAmp] * 1e-6)) * 1e6 # Plot results plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(3, 3, indexAmp + 1) plt.plot(rfExTime, abs(data), 'k-', rfExTime, data.real, 'r--', rfExTime, data.imag, 'b--') plt.xlabel('t(us)', fontsize=8) plt.ylabel('A(mV)', fontsize=8) plt.xlim([0, rfExTimeEnd]) plt.tick_params(labelsize=8) titleRF = 'RF amp=' + str(float("{:.2f}".format(rfAmp[indexAmp]))) + ', t90=' + str(float("{:.3f}".format(t90[indexAmp]))) + ' us, B1=' + str(float("{:.3f}".format(B1[indexAmp]))) + ' uT' plt.title(titleRF, fontsize=10) plt.figure(3) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(rfExAmp, abs(t90), '-k') plt.xlabel('RF amplitude (a.u.)', fontsize=8) plt.ylabel('t90 (us)', fontsize=8) plt.title('t90 VS RF amp', fontsize=10) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(rfExAmp, abs(B1), '-k') plt.xlabel('RF amplitude (a.u.)', fontsize=8) plt.ylabel('B1 (uT)', fontsize=8) plt.title('B1 strength VS RF amp', fontsize=10) if nExAmp == 1: plt.figure(4) data = matrix[0, :, 1] plt.plot(rfExTime, abs(data), 'k-', rfExTime, data.real, 'r--', rfExTime, data.imag, 'b--') plt.ylabel('A(mV)', fontsize=8) plt.tick_params(labelsize=8) titleRF = 'RF amp=' + str(float("{:.2f}".format(rfAmp[0]))) + ', t90=' + str( float("{:.3f}".format(t90[0]))) + ' us, B1=' + str( float("{:.3f}".format(B1[0]))) + ' uT' plt.title(titleRF, fontsize=10) # for indexAmp in range(nExAmp): # plt.figure(2) # plt.subplot(3, 3, indexAmp+1) # l, = plt.plot(timeFID, abs(matrix[indexAmp, 0, :])) # axfreq = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03]) # freq = Slider(axfreq, 'Pulse time', 0.0, nExTime-1, 0, valstep=1.0) # # def update(val): # f = int(freq.val) # l.set_ydata(abs(matrix[0, f, :])) # title = 'Pulse time=' + str(float("{:.2f}".format(rfExTime[f]))) # plt.title(title, fontsize=10) # # freq.on_changed(update) # return True
[docs] def sequenceAnalysis(self, obj=''): result1 = {'widget': 'image', 'data': np.squeeze(np.abs(self.matrix[self.mapVals['RFampSteps']-1, :, :])), 'xLabel': "tRF (us)", 'yLabel': "Npoint", 'title': "FID maps", 'row': 0, 'col': 0 } self.output = [result1] self.saveRawData() return self.output