Source code for seq.autoTuning

Created on Thu June 2 2022
@author: J.M. Algarín, MRILab, i3M, CSIC, Valencia
@Summary: code to obtain a good combination of tuning/matching
Specific hardware from MRILab @ i3M is required
import copy
import os
import sys
import time

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# Get the directory of the current script
main_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(main_directory)
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(parent_directory)

# Define the subdirectories you want to add to sys.path
subdirs = ['MaRGE', 'marcos_client']

# Add the subdirectories to sys.path
for subdir in subdirs:
    full_path = os.path.join(parent_directory, subdir)
import numpy as np
import seq.mriBlankSeq as blankSeq  # Import the mriBlankSequence for any new sequence.
import configs.hw_config as hw
import autotuning.autotuning as autotuning
import configs.units as units

[docs] class AutoTuning(blankSeq.MRIBLANKSEQ): def __init__(self): super(AutoTuning, self).__init__() # Input the parameters self.freqOffset = None self.frequency = None self.statesXm = None self.statesCm = None self.statesCt = None self.statesXs = None self.states = None self.statesCs = None self.test = None self.matching = None self.tuning = None self.series = None self.seriesTarget = 80 self.tuningTarget = 55 self.state0 = None self.frequencies = None self.expt = None self.threadpool = None self.s11_hist = [] self.s11_db_hist = [] self.states_hist = [[], [], []] self.n_aux = [[], [], []] # Parameters self.addParameter(key='seqName', string='AutoTuningInfo', val='AutoTuning') self.addParameter(key='freqOffset', string='Frequency offset(kHz)', val=0.0, units=units.kHz, field='IM') self.addParameter(key='series', string='Series capacitor', val='11011', field='IM') self.addParameter(key='tuning', string='Tuning capacitor', val='10000', field='IM') self.addParameter(key='matching', string='Matching capacitor', val='10011', field='IM') self.addParameter(key='test', string='Test', val='auto', field='IM', tip='Choose one option: auto, manual') self.addParameter(key='xyz', string='xyz', val=0.0, field='IM') # Connect to Arduino and set the initial state self.arduino = autotuning.Arduino(name="auto-tuning", serial_number=hw.ard_sn_autotuning) self.arduino.connect() self.arduino.send(self.mapVals['series'] + self.mapVals['tuning'] + self.mapVals['matching'] + "11")
[docs] def sequenceInfo(self): print("RF automatic impedance matching") print("Author: Dr. J.M. Algarín") print("Contact:") print("mriLab @ i3M, CSIC, Spain") print("Look for the best combination of tuning/matching.") print("Specific hardware from MRILab @ i3M is required.\n")
[docs] def sequenceTime(self): return 0 # minutes, scanTime
[docs] def sequenceRun(self, plotSeq=0, demo=False): self.demo = demo self.s11_hist = [] self.s11_db_hist = [] self.states_hist = [[], [], []] self.n_aux = [[], [], []] self.frequency = hw.larmorFreq+self.freqOffset*1e-6 if self.arduino.device is None: print("WARNING: No Arduino found for auto-tuning.") return False else: # Connect autotuning to VNA and turn it on. self.arduino.send(self.mapVals['series'] + self.mapVals['tuning'] + self.mapVals['matching'] + "00") print("nanoVNA ON") time.sleep(1) # Connect to VNA self.vna = autotuning.VNA() self.vna.connect() if self.vna.device is None: print("No nanoVNA found for auto-tuning. \n") print("Only test mode.") return False if self.test == 'auto': return self.runAutoTuning() elif self.test == 'manual': return self.runManual() else: print("Incorrect test mode.") return False
[docs] def sequenceAnalysis(self, mode=None): self.mode = mode # Get results s11 = np.array(self.s11_hist) s11_opt = self.mapVals['s11'] f_vec = self.vna.getFrequency() s_vec = self.vna.getData() # Interpolate s_vec interp_func = interp1d(f_vec, s_vec, kind='cubic') f_vec_t = np.linspace(np.min(f_vec), np.max(f_vec), 1000) s_vec_t = interp_func(f_vec_t) # Insert s11 into s_vec index = np.searchsorted(f_vec_t, self.frequency) f_vec_t = np.insert(f_vec_t, index, self.frequency) s_vec_t = np.insert(s_vec_t, index, s11_opt) # Get s in dB s_vec_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(s_vec_t)) # Get quality factor try: idx = np.argmin(s_vec_db) f0 = f_vec_t[idx] f1 = f_vec_t[np.argmin(np.abs(s_vec_db[0:idx]+3))] f2 = f_vec_t[idx+np.argmin(np.abs(s_vec_db[idx::]+3))] q = f0/(f2-f1) print("Q = %0.0f" % q) print("BW @ -3 dB = %0.0f kHz" % ((f2-f1)*1e3)) except: pass # Create data array in case single point is acquired if self.test == 'manual': s11 = np.concatenate((s11, s11), axis=0) # Plot smith chart result1 = {'widget': 'smith', 'xData': [np.real(s11), np.real(s_vec_t)], 'yData': [np.imag(s11), np.imag(s_vec_t)], 'xLabel': 'Real(S11)', 'yLabel': 'Imag(S11)', 'title': 'Smith chart', 'legend': ['', ''], 'row': 0, 'col': 0} # Plot reflection coefficient result2 = {'widget': 'curve', 'xData': (f_vec_t - self.frequency) * 1e3, 'yData': [s_vec_db], 'xLabel': 'Frequency (kHz)', 'yLabel': 'S11 (dB)', 'title': 'Reflection coefficient', 'legend': [''], 'row': 0, 'col': 1} self.output = [result1, result2] self.saveRawData() if self.mode == 'Standalone': self.plotResults() return self.output
[docs] def runAutoTuning(self): nCap = 5 # Combinations self.states = [''] * 2 ** nCap for state in range(2 ** nCap): prov = format(state, f'0{nCap}b') self.states[state] = ''.join('1' if bit == '0' else '0' for bit in prov) # Series reactance cs = np.array([np.Inf, 8, 3.9, 1.8, 1]) * 1e-9 self.statesCs = np.zeros(2 ** nCap) self.statesXs = np.zeros(2 ** nCap) for state in range(2 ** nCap): for c in range(nCap): if int(self.states[state][c]) == 0: self.statesCs[state] += cs[c] if self.statesCs[state] == 0: self.statesXs[state] = np.Inf else: self.statesXs[state] = -1 / (2 * np.pi * self.frequency * 1e6 * self.statesCs[state]) # Tuning capacitor ct = np.array([326, 174, 87, 44, 26]) * 1e-12 self.statesCt = np.zeros(2 ** nCap) for state in range(2 ** nCap): for c in range(nCap): if int(self.states[state][c]) == 0: self.statesCt[state] += ct[c] # Matching capacitors cm = np.array([np.Inf, 500, 262, 142, 75]) * 1e-12 self.statesCm = np.zeros(2 ** nCap) self.statesXm = np.zeros(2 ** nCap) for state in range(2 ** nCap): for c in range(nCap): if int(self.states[state][c]) == 0: self.statesCm[state] += cm[c] if self.statesCm[state] == 0: self.statesXm[state] = np.Inf else: self.statesXm[state] = -1 / (2 * np.pi * self.frequency * 1e6 * self.statesCm[state]) # Get initial state index stateCs = self.states.index(self.series) stateCt = self.states.index(self.tuning) stateCm = self.states.index(self.matching) # Check current status self.arduino.send(self.states[stateCs] + self.states[stateCt] + self.states[stateCm] + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, self.series, self.tuning, self.matching, stateCs, stateCt, stateCm) s11_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(s11)) # Search from input impedance in cas initial state is far from matching if s11_db > -20: stateCs = self.getCsZ(16, 0, 16) stateCt = self.getCtZ(stateCs, 0, 16) stateCm = self.getCmZ(stateCs, stateCt, 16) # Get the best state from all measured states idx = np.argmin(self.s11_db_hist) stateCs = self.n_aux[0][idx] stateCt = self.n_aux[1][idx] stateCm = self.n_aux[2][idx] s11_db = self.s11_db_hist[idx] # Move one state the series capacitor in case there is not matching. if s11_db > -20: stateCs = stateCs + 1 stateCt = self.getCtZ(stateCs, 0, 16) stateCm = self.getCmZ(stateCs, stateCt, 16) # Get the best state from all measured states idx = np.argmin(self.s11_db_hist) stateCs = self.n_aux[0][idx] stateCt = self.n_aux[1][idx] stateCm = self.n_aux[2][idx] s11_db = self.s11_db_hist[idx] # Once s11 < -20 dB, do a final optimization based on s11 in dB self.finalOptimization2D(stateCs, stateCt, stateCm) # Get the best state from all measured states idx = np.argmin(self.s11_db_hist) stateCs = self.n_aux[0][idx] stateCt = self.n_aux[1][idx] stateCm = self.n_aux[2][idx] s11_db = self.s11_db_hist[idx] # Check final status self.arduino.send(self.states[stateCs] + self.states[stateCt] + self.states[stateCm] + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, self.series, self.tuning, self.matching, stateCs, stateCt, stateCm) # Print results print("S11 = %0.1f dB" % s11_db) # Save parameters to source sequence try: sequence = self.sequence_list[self.mapVals['seqName']] sequence.mapVals['matching'] = self.states[stateCm] sequence.mapVals['tuning'] = self.states[stateCt] sequence.mapVals['series'] = self.states[stateCs] except: pass # Save result into the mapVals to save the rawData self.mapVals['series'] = self.states[stateCs] self.mapVals['tuning'] = self.states[stateCt] self.mapVals['matching'] = self.states[stateCm] self.mapVals['s11'] = self.s11_hist[-1] self.mapVals['s11_db'] = self.s11_db_hist[-1] # Connect the system to TxRx switch self.arduino.send(self.states[stateCs] + self.states[stateCt] + self.states[stateCm] + "11") print("nanoVNA OFF") # Data to sweep sequence self.mapVals['sampledPoint'] = s11_db return True
[docs] def runManual(self): self.arduino.send(self.series + self.tuning + self.matching + "00") if self.vna.device is not None: s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.s11_hist.append(s11) self.mapVals['s11'] = s11 s11dB = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(s11)) r = impedance.real x = impedance.imag print("S11 = %0.2f dB" % s11dB) print("R = %0.2f Ohms" % r) print("X = %0.2f Ohms" % x) self.arduino.send(self.series + self.tuning + self.matching + "11") print("nanoVNA OFF") return True else: return False
[docs] def addValues(self, s11, cs, ct, cm, ns, nt, nm): self.s11_hist.append(s11) self.s11_db_hist.append(20 * np.log10(np.abs(s11))) self.states_hist[0].append(cs) self.states_hist[1].append(ct) self.states_hist[2].append(cm) self.n_aux[0].append(ns) self.n_aux[1].append(nt) self.n_aux[2].append(nm)
[docs] def getCsZ(self, n0, stateCt, stateCm): print("Series sweep...") n = [n0] # First measurement cs = self.states[n[-1]] ct = self.states[stateCt] cm = self.states[stateCm] self.arduino.send(cs + ct + cm + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs, ct, cm, n0, stateCt, stateCm) r = np.real(impedance) x = np.imag(impedance) x0 = [x] z = [impedance] # if x0[-1] < self.seriesTarget: if np.abs(z[-1]) < self.seriesTarget: step = 1 else: step = -1 # Sweep series impedance until reactance goes to 50 Ohms # while step * x0[-1] < step * self.seriesTarget and 0 < n[-1] + step < 16 and self.s11_db_hist[-1] > -20: while step * np.abs(z[-1]) < step * self.seriesTarget and 0 < n[-1] + step < 16 and self.s11_db_hist[-1] > -20: n.append(n[-1] + step) cs = self.states[n[-1]] self.arduino.send(cs + ct + cm + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs, ct, cm, n[-1], stateCt, stateCm) r = np.real(impedance) x = np.imag(impedance) x0.append(x) z.append(impedance) # Select the value with reactance closest to 50 Ohms if self.s11_db_hist[-1] <= -20: stateCs = n[-1] else: try: z = np.array(z) stateCs = n[np.argmin(np.abs(z) - self.seriesTarget)] if np.imag(z[np.argmin(np.abs(z) - self.seriesTarget)]) < 0: stateCs += 1 except: stateCs = n0 return stateCs
[docs] def getCtZ(self, stateCs, n0, stateCm): # Sweep tuning capacitances until resistance goes higher than 50 Ohms print("Tuning sweep...") n = [n0] # First measurement cs = self.states[stateCs] ct = self.states[n[-1]] cm = self.states[stateCm] self.arduino.send(cs + ct + cm + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs, ct, cm, stateCs, n0, stateCm) r = np.real(impedance) x = np.imag(impedance) r0 = [r] if r0[-1] < self.tuningTarget: step = 1 else: step = -1 while step * r0[-1] < step * self.tuningTarget and 0 <= n[-1] + step < 32 and self.s11_db_hist[-1] > -20: n.append(n[-1] + step) ct = self.states[n[-1]] self.arduino.send(cs + ct + cm + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs, ct, cm, stateCs, n[-1], stateCm) r = np.real(impedance) x = np.imag(impedance) r0.append(r) # Select the value with reactance closest to 50 Ohms if self.s11_db_hist[-1] <= -20: stateCt = n[-1] else: try: stateCt = n[np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(r0) - self.seriesTarget))] except: stateCt = n0 return stateCt
[docs] def getCmZ(self, stateCs, stateCt, n0): print("Matching sweep...") n = [n0] # First measurement cs = self.states[stateCs] ct = self.states[stateCt] cm = self.states[n[-1]] self.arduino.send(cs + ct + cm + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs, ct, cm, stateCs, stateCt, n0) r = np.real(impedance) x = np.imag(impedance) x0 = [x] if x0[-1] < 0.0: step = 1 else: step = -1 # Sweep series impedance until reactance goes to 50 Ohms while step * x0[-1] < 0.0 and 0 < n[-1] + step < 16 and self.s11_db_hist[-1] > -20: n.append(n[-1] + step) cm = self.states[n[-1]] self.arduino.send(cs + ct + cm + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs, ct, cm, stateCs, stateCt, n[-1]) r = np.real(impedance) x = np.imag(impedance) x0.append(impedance.imag) # Select the value with reactance closest to 50 Ohms if self.s11_db_hist[-1] <= -20: stateCm = n[-1] else: try: stateCm = n[np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(x0)))] except: stateCm = n0 return stateCm
[docs] def finalOptimization2D(self, stateCs, stateCt, stateCm): print("Optimizing...") cs = stateCs ct_old = copy.copy(stateCt) ct_new = copy.copy(stateCt) cm_old = copy.copy(stateCm) cm_new = copy.copy(stateCm) check = True iteration = 0 result = [[], [], [], []] while check and iteration < 5: ctv = [ct_old - 1, ct_old, ct_old + 1] cmv = [cm_old - 1, cm_old, cm_old + 1] for ct in ctv: for cm in cmv: # Check if current state is inside the boundaries if cm == 0 or cm == 17 or ct == -1 or ct == 32: continue else: state = self.states[ct]+self.states[cm] # Get s11 if current state has not been tested before if state not in result[3]: cs_bin = self.states[cs] ct_bin = self.states[ct] cm_bin = self.states[cm] self.arduino.send(self.states[cs] + self.states[ct] + self.states[cm] + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs_bin, ct_bin, cm_bin, cs, ct, cm) result[0].append(self.s11_db_hist[-1]) result[1].append(ct) result[2].append(cm) result[3].append(state) best_state = np.argmin(np.array(result[0])) ct_new = result[1][best_state] cm_new = result[2][best_state] if ct_new == ct_old and cm_new == cm_old: check = False else: ct_old = copy.copy(ct_new) cm_old = copy.copy(cm_new) iteration += 1 return ct_new, cm_new
[docs] def finalOptimization3D(self, stateCs, stateCt, stateCm): print("Optimizing...") cs_old = copy.copy(stateCs) cs_new = copy.copy(stateCs) ct_old = copy.copy(stateCt) ct_new = copy.copy(stateCt) cm_old = copy.copy(stateCm) cm_new = copy.copy(stateCm) result = [[], [], [], [], []] check = True iteration = 0 while check and iteration < 10: csv = [cs_old - 1, cs_old, cs_old + 1] ctv = [ct_old - 1, ct_old, ct_old + 1] cmv = [cm_old - 1, cm_old, cm_old + 1] for cs in csv: for ct in ctv: for cm in cmv: cs_bin = self.states[cs] ct_bin = self.states[ct] cm_bin = self.states[cm] state = cs_bin + ct_bin + cm_bin if state in result[4]: pass else: result[4].append(state) if cm == 0 or cm == 17 or ct == -1 or ct == 32 or cs == 0 or cs == 17: result[0].append(0.0) else: self.arduino.send(state + "00") s11, impedance = self.vna.getS11(self.frequency) self.addValues(s11, cs_bin, ct_bin, cm_bin, cs, ct, cm) result[0].append(self.s11_db_hist[-1]) result[1].append(cs) result[2].append(ct) result[3].append(cm) best_state = np.argmin(np.array(result[0])) cs_new = result[1][best_state] ct_new = result[2][best_state] cm_new = result[3][best_state] if ct_new == ct_old and cm_new == cm_old and cs_new == cs_old: check = False else: cs_old = copy.copy(cs_new) ct_old = copy.copy(ct_new) cm_old = copy.copy(cm_new) iteration += 1 return cs_new, ct_new, cm_new
if __name__ == '__main__': seq = AutoTuning() seq.sequenceAtributes() seq.sequenceRun() seq.sequenceAnalysis(mode='Standalone')