Source code for seq.larmor_raw

@author: José Miguel Algarín Guisado
@modifield: T. Guallart Naval, february 28th 2022

import os
import sys

# Get the directory of the current script
main_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(main_directory)
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(parent_directory)

# Define the subdirectories you want to add to sys.path
subdirs = ['MaRGE', 'marcos_client']

# Add the subdirectories to sys.path
for subdir in subdirs:
    full_path = os.path.join(parent_directory, subdir)
import controller.experiment_gui as ex
import numpy as np
import seq.mriBlankSeq as blankSeq  # Import the mriBlankSequence for any new sequence.
import configs.hw_config as hw
import configs.units as units

[docs] class LarmorRaw(blankSeq.MRIBLANKSEQ): def __init__(self): super(LarmorRaw, self).__init__() # Input the parameters self.dF = None = None self.demo = None self.expt = None self.larmorFreq = None self.repetitionTime = None self.rfReTime = None self.rfReAmplitude = None self.rfExAmplitude = None self.rfExTime = None self.nScans = None self.addParameter(key='seqName', string='LarmorInfo', val='Larmor Raw') self.addParameter(key='nScans', string='Number of scans', val=1, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='larmorFreq', string='Larmor frequency (MHz)', val=3.0, units=units.MHz, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExAmplitude', string='Excitation amplitude (a.u.)', val=0.3, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfReAmplitude', string='Refocusing amplitude (a.u.)', val=0.3, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExTime', string='RF excitation time (us)', val=30.0, field='RF', self.addParameter(key='rfReTime', string='RF refocusing time (us)', val=60.0, field='RF', self.addParameter(key='repetitionTime', string='Repetition time (ms)', val=300., field='SEQ', self.addParameter(key='bw', string='Bandwidth (kHz)', val=50, field='RF', units=units.kHz) self.addParameter(key='dF', string='Frequency resolution (Hz)', val=100, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='shimming', string='Shimming', val=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], field='OTH',
[docs] def sequenceInfo(self): print("Larmor raw") print("Author: Dr. J.M. Algarín") print("Contact:") print("mriLab @ i3M, CSIC, Spain") print("This sequence runs a single spin echo to find larmor.") print("The RF amplitude is in arbitrary units here, and it is recommended to use it with SWEEP to locate an echo" " the first time the scanner is operated.\n")
[docs] def sequenceTime(self): nScans = self.mapVals['nScans'] repetitionTime = self.mapVals['repetitionTime'] * 1e-3 return (repetitionTime * nScans / 60) # minutes, scanTime
[docs] def sequenceRun(self, plotSeq=0, demo=False, standalone=False): init_gpa = False # Starts the gpa self.demo = demo # Set the refocusing time in to twice the excitation time if self.rfReTime == 0: self.rfReTime = 2 * self.rfExTime # Calculate acq_time and echo_time n_points = int( / self.dF) acq_time = 1 / self.dF # s echo_time = 2 * acq_time # s self.mapVals['nPoints'] = n_points self.mapVals['acqTime'] = acq_time self.mapVals['echoTime'] = echo_time def createSequence(): rd_points = 0 # Initialize time t0 = 20 t_ex = 20e3 # Shimming self.iniSequence(t0, self.shimming) # Excitation pulse t0 = t_ex - hw.blkTime - self.rfExTime / 2 self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfExTime, self.rfExAmplitude, 0) # Refocusing pulse t0 = t_ex + echo_time / 2 - hw.blkTime - self.rfReTime / 2 self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, self.rfReAmplitude, np.pi / 2) # Rx gate t0 = t_ex + echo_time - acq_time / 2 self.rxGateSync(t0, acq_time) rd_points += n_points self.endSequence(t_ex + self.repetitionTime) return rd_points # Time parameters to us self.rfExTime *= 1e6 self.rfReTime *= 1e6 self.repetitionTime *= 1e6 acq_time *= 1e6 echo_time *= 1e6 # Initialize the experiment = n_points / acq_time # MHz sampling_period = 1 / # us self.mapVals['samplingPeriod'] = sampling_period if not self.demo: self.expt = ex.Experiment(lo_freq=self.larmorFreq * 1e-6, rx_t=sampling_period, init_gpa=init_gpa, gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1), ) sampling_period = self.expt.getSamplingRate() = 1 / sampling_period # MHz acq_time = n_points / # us self.mapVals['bw_true'] = * 1e6 # Create the sequence and add instructions to the experiment acq_points = createSequence() if not self.demo: if self.floDict2Exp(): print("Sequence waveforms loaded successfully") pass else: print("ERROR: sequence waveforms out of hardware bounds") return False # Run the experiment data_over = [] # To save oversampled data if not plotSeq: for scan in range(self.nScans): print("Scan %i running..." % (scan + 1)) if not self.demo: rxd, msgs = else: rxd = {'rx0': np.random.randn((acq_points + 2 * hw.addRdPoints) * hw.oversamplingFactor) + 1j * np.random.randn((acq_points + 2 * hw.addRdPoints) * hw.oversamplingFactor)} data_over = np.concatenate((data_over, rxd['rx0']), axis=0) print("Acquired points = %i" % np.size([rxd['rx0']])) print("Expected points = %i" % ((acq_points + 2 * hw.addRdPoints) * hw.oversamplingFactor)) print("Scan %i ready!" % (scan + 1)) elif plotSeq and standalone: self.plotSequence() # Close the experiment if not self.demo: self.expt.__del__() # Process data to be plotted if not plotSeq: data_full = self.decimate(data_over, self.nScans, option='Normal') self.mapVals['data_full'] = data_full data = np.average(np.reshape(data_full, (self.nScans, -1)), axis=0) self.mapVals['data'] = data # Data to sweep sequence self.mapVals['sampledPoint'] = data[int(n_points / 2)] return True
[docs] def sequenceAnalysis(self, mode=None): self.mode = mode # Load data signal = self.mapVals['data'] acq_time = self.mapVals['acqTime'] * 1e3 # ms n_points = self.mapVals['nPoints'] # Generate time and frequency vectors and calcualte the signal spectrum tVector = np.linspace(-acq_time / 2, acq_time / 2, n_points) fVector = np.linspace( / 2, / 2, n_points) * 1e3 # kHz spectrum = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(signal))) # Get the central frequency idf = np.argmax(np.abs(spectrum)) fCentral = fVector[idf] * 1e-3 # MHz hw.larmorFreq = self.mapVals['larmorFreq'] + fCentral print('Larmor frequency: %1.5f MHz' % hw.larmorFreq) self.mapVals['larmorFreq'] = hw.larmorFreq self.mapVals['signalVStime'] = [tVector, signal] self.mapVals['spectrum'] = [fVector, spectrum] # Add time signal to the layout result1 = {'widget': 'curve', 'xData': tVector, 'yData': [np.abs(signal), np.real(signal), np.imag(signal)], 'xLabel': 'Time (ms)', 'yLabel': 'Signal amplitude (mV)', 'title': 'Echo', 'legend': ['abs', 'real', 'imag'], 'row': 0, 'col': 0} # Add frequency spectrum to the layout result2 = {'widget': 'curve', 'xData': fVector, 'yData': [np.abs(spectrum)], 'xLabel': 'Frequency (kHz)', 'yLabel': 'Spectrum amplitude (a.u.)', 'title': 'Spectrum', 'legend': [''], 'row': 1, 'col': 0} # create self.out to run in iterative mode self.output = [result1, result2] # save data once self.output is created self.saveRawData() # Plot result in standalone execution if self.mode == 'Standalone': self.plotResults() return self.output
if __name__ == '__main__': seq = Larmor() seq.sequenceAtributes() seq.sequenceRun(plotSeq=True, demo=True, standalone=True) # seq.sequenceAnalysis(mode='Standalone')