Created on Thu June 2 2022
@author: J.M. Algarín, MRILab, i3M, CSIC, Valencia
@email: josalggui@i3m.upv.es
@Summary: mri blank sequence with common methods that will be inherited by any sequence
import os
import bm4d
import numpy as np
import configs.hw_config as hw
from datetime import date, datetime
from scipy.io import savemat, loadmat
import controller.experiment_gui as ex
import scipy.signal as sig
import csv
import ismrmrd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.util import view_as_blocks
from skimage.measure import shannon_entropy
# Import dicom saver
from manager.dicommanager import DICOMImage
import shutil
Class for representing MRI sequences.
This class provides functionality for creating and managing MRI sequences. It includes methods for setting
parameters, generating sequences, processing data, and plotting results.
mapKeys (list): Keys for the maps.
mapNmspc (dict): Name to show in the GUI.
mapVals (dict): Values to show in the GUI.
mapFields (dict): Fields to classify the input parameters.
mapLen (dict): Length of the input values.
mapTips (dict): Tips for the input parameters.
map_units (dict): Units for the input parameters.
meta_data (dict): Dictionary to save meta data for DICOM files.
rotations (list): List of rotation matrices.
dfovs (list): List of displacement field of views.
fovs (list): List of field of views.
session (dict): Session information.
demo (bool): Demo information.
mode (string): Mode information for 'Standalone' execution.
flo_dict (dict): Dictionary containing sequence waveforms.
def __init__(self):
Constructor method for initializing the MRIBLANKSEQ class instance.
This method initializes the instance attributes.
self.mapKeys = []
self.mapNmspc = {}
self.mapVals = {}
self.mapFields = {}
self.mapLen = {}
self.mapTips = {}
self.map_units = {}
self.meta_data = {}
self.rotations = []
self.dfovs = []
self.fovs = []
self.session = {}
self.demo = None
self.mode = None
self.flo_dict = {'g0': [[],[]],
'g1': [[],[]],
'g2': [[],[]],
'rx0': [[],[]],
'rx1': [[],[]],
'tx0': [[],[]],
'tx1': [[],[]],
'ttl0': [[],[]],
'ttl1': [[],[]],}
# *********************************************************************************
# *********************************************************************************
# *********************************************************************************
# Create dictionaries of inputs classified by field (RF, SEQ, IM or OTH)
def RFproperties(self):
Retrieve RF-related properties.
Automatically selects the inputs related to RF fields and returns them along with their corresponding tips.
dict: A dictionary containing RF-related properties.
dict: A dictionary containing tips for RF-related properties.
out = {}
tips = {}
for key in self.mapKeys:
if self.mapFields[key] == 'RF':
out[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapVals[key]]
tips[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapTips[key]]
return out, tips
def IMproperties(self) -> dict:
Retrieve IM-related properties.
Automatically selects the inputs related to IM fields and returns them along with their corresponding tips.
dict: A dictionary containing IM-related properties.
dict: A dictionary containing tips for IM-related properties.
out = {}
tips = {}
for key in self.mapKeys:
if self.mapFields[key] == 'IM':
out[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapVals[key]]
tips[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapTips[key]]
return out, tips
def SEQproperties(self) -> dict:
Retrieve SEQ-related properties.
Automatically selects the inputs related to SEQ fields and returns them along with their corresponding tips.
dict: A dictionary containing SEQ-related properties.
dict: A dictionary containing tips for SEQ-related properties.
out = {}
tips = {}
for key in self.mapKeys:
if self.mapFields[key] == 'SEQ':
out[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapVals[key]]
tips[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapTips[key]]
return out, tips
def OTHproperties(self) -> dict:
Retrieve OTH-related properties.
Automatically selects the inputs related to OTH fields and returns them along with their corresponding tips.
dict: A dictionary containing OTH-related properties.
dict: A dictionary containing tips for OTH-related properties.
out = {}
tips = {}
for key in self.mapKeys:
if self.mapFields[key] == 'OTH':
out[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapVals[key]]
tips[self.mapNmspc[key]] = [self.mapTips[key]]
return out, tips
def runBatches(self, waveforms, n_readouts, n_adc,
Execute multiple batches of MRI waveforms, manage data acquisition, and store oversampled data.
waveforms : dict
Dictionary containing waveform sequences. Keys represent batch identifiers, and values are
the corresponding waveform data generated with PyPulseq.
n_readouts : dict
Dictionary specifying the number of readout points for each batch. Keys match the batch
identifiers, and values indicate the number of readout points.
n_adc : int
Number of ADC windows. Each window must have the same length.
frequency : float, optional
Larmor frequency in MHz for the MRI acquisition. Defaults to the system's Larmor frequency (hw.larmorFreq).
bandwidth : float, optional
Bandwidth in MHz used to calculate the sampling period (sampling time = 1 / bandwidth). Defaults to 0.03 MHz.
decimate : str, optional
Specifies the decimation method.
- 'Normal': Decimates the acquired array without preprocessing.
- 'PETRA': Adjusts the pre-readout points to the desired starting point.
hardware: bool, optional
Take into account gradient and ADC delay.
output: str, optional
String to add to the output keys saved in the mapVals parameter.
True if all batches are executed successfully, False if an error occurs (e.g., waveform constraints exceed hardware limits).
- Initializes Red Pitaya hardware unless in demo mode.
- Converts PyPulseq waveforms to Red Pitaya-compatible format.
- If `plotSeq` is True, the sequence is plotted instead of executed.
- In demo mode, simulated random data replaces hardware acquisition.
- Oversampled data is stored in `self.mapVals['data_over']`.
- Decimated data is stored in `self.mapVals['data_decimated']`.
- Handles data loss by repeating batches until the expected points are acquired.
self.mapVals['n_readouts'] = list(n_readouts.values())
self.mapVals['n_batches'] = len(n_readouts.values())
# Initialize a list to hold oversampled data
data_over = []
# Iterate through each batch of waveforms
for seq_num in waveforms.keys():
# Initialize the experiment if not in demo mode
if not self.demo:
self.expt = ex.Experiment(
lo_freq=frequency, # Larmor frequency in MHz
rx_t=1 / bandwidth, # Sampling time in us
init_gpa=False, # Whether to initialize GPA board (False for now)
gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1), # GPA offset time calculation
auto_leds=True # Automatic control of LEDs
# Convert the PyPulseq waveform to the Red Pitaya compatible format
# Load the waveforms into Red Pitaya
if not self.floDict2Exp():
print("ERROR: Sequence waveforms out of hardware bounds")
return False
print("Sequence waveforms loaded successfully")
# If not plotting the sequence, start scanning
if not self.plotSeq:
for scan in range(self.nScans):
print(f"Scan {scan + 1}, batch {seq_num.split('_')[-1]}/{len(n_readouts)} running...")
acquired_points = 0
expected_points = n_readouts[seq_num] * hw.oversamplingFactor # Expected number of points
# Continue acquiring points until we reach the expected number
while acquired_points != expected_points:
if not self.demo:
rxd, msgs = self.expt.run() # Run the experiment and collect data
# In demo mode, generate random data as a placeholder
rxd = {'rx0': np.random.randn(expected_points) + 1j * np.random.randn(expected_points)}
# Update acquired points
acquired_points = np.size(rxd['rx0'])
# Check if acquired points coincide with expected points
if acquired_points != expected_points:
print("WARNING: data apoints lost!")
print("Repeating batch...")
# Concatenate acquired data into the oversampled data array
data_over = np.concatenate((data_over, rxd['rx0']), axis=0)
print(f"Acquired points = {acquired_points}, Expected points = {expected_points}")
print(f"Scan {scan + 1}, batch {seq_num[-1]}/{len(n_readouts)} ready!")
# Decimate the oversampled data and store it
if output=='':
self.mapVals[f'data_over'] = data_over
data = self.decimate(data_over, n_adc=n_adc, option='Normal', remove=False)
self.mapVals[f'data_decimated'] = data
self.mapVals[f'data_over_{output}'] = data_over
data = self.decimate(data_over, n_adc=n_adc, option='Normal', remove=False)
self.mapVals[f'data_decimated_{output}'] = data
elif self.plotSeq and self.standalone:
# Plot the sequence if requested and return immediately
if not self.demo:
return True
def sequenceInfo(self):
print("sequenceInfo method is empty."
"It is recommended to overide this method into your sequence.")
def sequenceTime(self):
rint("sequenceTime method is empty."
"It is recommended to overide this method into your sequence.")
return 0
def pypulseq2mriblankseq(self, waveforms=None,
shimming=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
Converts PyPulseq waveforms into a format compatible with MRI hardware.
waveforms : dict, optional
Dictionary containing PyPulseq waveforms. The keys represent waveform types (e.g., 'tx0', 'rx0_en',
'grad_vx'), and values are arrays of time and amplitude pairs.
shimming : numpy.ndarray, optional
Array of three values representing the shimming currents to apply in the x, y, and z gradients, respectively.
Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0].
sampling_period : float, optional
Sampling period in seconds, used to account for delays in the CIC filter. Defaults to 0.0.
hardware: bool, optional
Take into account gradient and ADC delay
Returns True if the conversion is successful.
1. **Reset flo_dict**:
Initializes the flo dictionary, which stores gradient, RF, and TTL signals for MRI hardware execution.
2. **Fill flo_dict**:
Iterates through the input `waveforms` to populate the flo dictionary. Each key corresponds to a signal
type, and the waveform data is appended.
3. **Fill missing keys**:
Ensures that all keys in `flo_dict` are populated, even if no data exists for certain signals. Unfilled
keys are set to default arrays with zero values.
4. **Apply shimming**:
Adds the shimming values to the corresponding gradient channels (x, y, z).
5. **Set sequence end**:
Ensures all signals return to zero at the end of the sequence to finalize waveform execution.
6. **Add hardware-specific corrections**:
- Applies gradient latency adjustments.
- Accounts for CIC filter delays in the receive (rx) signals.
7. **Revalidate sequence end**:
Reassesses and ensures all signal channels return to zero with a buffer period.
- This method processes and validates input waveform data to ensure compatibility with MRI hardware.
- Hardware-specific parameters such as gradient delay (`hw.gradDelay`) and CIC filter delay
(`hw.cic_delay_points`) are applied.
- Any signal not specified in `waveforms` is initialized with a default value of zero.
# Reset flo dictionary
self.flo_dict = {'g0': [[], []],
'g1': [[], []],
'g2': [[], []],
'rx0': [[], []],
'rx1': [[], []],
'tx0': [[], []],
'tx1': [[], []],
'ttl0': [[], []],
'ttl1': [[], []], }
# Fill dictionary
for key in waveforms.keys():
if key == 'tx0':
self.flo_dict['tx0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx0'][0], waveforms['tx0'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx0'][1], waveforms['tx0'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'tx1':
self.flo_dict['tx1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx1'][0], waveforms['tx1'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx1'][1], waveforms['tx1'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'rx0_en':
self.flo_dict['rx0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx0'][0], waveforms['rx0_en'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx0'][1], waveforms['rx0_en'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'rx1_en':
self.flo_dict['rx1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx1'][0], waveforms['rx1_en'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx1'][1], waveforms['rx1_en'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'tx_gate':
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0], waveforms['tx_gate'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1], waveforms['tx_gate'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'rx_gate':
self.flo_dict['ttl1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl1'][0], waveforms['rx_gate'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl1'][1], waveforms['rx_gate'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'grad_vx':
self.flo_dict['g0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g0'][0], waveforms['grad_vx'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g0'][1], waveforms['grad_vx'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'grad_vy':
self.flo_dict['g1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g1'][0], waveforms['grad_vy'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g1'][1], waveforms['grad_vy'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
elif key == 'grad_vz':
self.flo_dict['g2'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g2'][0], waveforms['grad_vz'][0][0:-1]), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g2'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g2'][1], waveforms['grad_vz'][1][0:-1]), axis=0)
# Fill missing keys
for key in self.flo_dict.keys():
is_unfilled = all(not sublist for sublist in self.flo_dict[key])
is_unfilled = False
if is_unfilled:
self.flo_dict[key] = [np.array([0]), np.array([0])]
# Add shimming
self.flo_dict['g0'][1] = self.flo_dict['g0'][1] + shimming[0]
self.flo_dict['g1'][1] = self.flo_dict['g1'][1] + shimming[1]
self.flo_dict['g2'][1] = self.flo_dict['g2'][1] + shimming[2]
# Set everything to zero
last_times = np.array([value[0][-1] for value in self.flo_dict.values()])
last_time = np.max(last_times)
# Add gradient latency and CIC filter delay
if hardware:
self.flo_dict['g0'][0][1::] -= hw.gradDelay
self.flo_dict['g1'][0][1::] -= hw.gradDelay
self.flo_dict['g2'][0][1::] -= hw.gradDelay
self.flo_dict['rx0'][0][1::] += hw.cic_delay_points * sampling_period / hw.oversamplingFactor
self.flo_dict['rx1'][0][1::] += hw.cic_delay_points * sampling_period / hw.oversamplingFactor
# Set everything to zero (again)
last_times = np.array([value[0][-1] for value in self.flo_dict.values()])
last_time = np.max(last_times)
self.endSequence(last_time + 10)
return True
def getFovDisplacement(self):
Get the displacement to apply in the FFT reconstruction.
np.ndarray: The displacement vector.
def rotationMatrix(rotation):
theta = rotation[3] * np.pi / 180
ux, uy, uz = rotation[:3]
out = np.zeros((3, 3))
out[0, 0] = np.cos(theta) + ux ** 2 * (1 - np.cos(theta))
out[0, 1] = ux * uy * (1 - np.cos(theta)) - uz * np.sin(theta)
out[0, 2] = ux * uz * (1 - np.cos(theta)) + uy * np.sin(theta)
out[1, 0] = uy * ux * (1 - np.cos(theta)) + uz * np.sin(theta)
out[1, 1] = np.cos(theta) + uy ** 2 * (1 - np.cos(theta))
out[1, 2] = uy * uz * (1 - np.cos(theta)) - ux * np.sin(theta)
out[2, 0] = uz * ux * (1 - np.cos(theta)) - uy * np.sin(theta)
out[2, 1] = uz * uy * (1 - np.cos(theta)) + ux * np.sin(theta)
out[2, 2] = np.cos(theta) + uz ** 2 * (1 - np.cos(theta))
return out
dr = np.zeros((3, 1))
for ii in range(len(self.dfovs)):
Mii = rotationMatrix(self.rotations[ii])
rii = np.reshape(np.array(self.dfovs[ii]), (3, 1))
dr = np.dot(Mii, (dr + rii))
return dr
def getRotationMatrix(self):
Get the rotation matrix to rotate through an arbitrary axis.
np.ndarray: The rotation matrix.
def rotationMatrix(rotation):
theta = rotation[3] # * pi / 180 ? Check this
ux, uy, uz = rotation[:3]
out = np.zeros((3, 3))
out[0, 0] = np.cos(theta) + ux ** 2 * (1 - np.cos(theta))
out[0, 1] = ux * uy * (1 - np.cos(theta)) - uz * np.sin(theta)
out[0, 2] = ux * uz * (1 - np.cos(theta)) + uy * np.sin(theta)
out[1, 0] = uy * ux * (1 - np.cos(theta)) + uz * np.sin(theta)
out[1, 1] = np.cos(theta) + uy ** 2 * (1 - np.cos(theta))
out[1, 2] = uy * uz * (1 - np.cos(theta)) - ux * np.sin(theta)
out[2, 0] = uz * ux * (1 - np.cos(theta)) - uy * np.sin(theta)
out[2, 1] = uz * uy * (1 - np.cos(theta)) + ux * np.sin(theta)
out[2, 2] = np.cos(theta) + uz ** 2 * (1 - np.cos(theta))
return out
rotations = [rotationMatrix(rotation) for rotation in self.rotations]
rotation = rotations[-1]
for M in rotations[:-1]:
rotation = np.dot(M, rotation)
return rotation
def deleteOutput(self):
Delete the 'output' attribute from the instance if it exists.
if hasattr(self, 'output'):
delattr(self, 'output')
def saveParams(self):
Save the parameters in mapVals variable to a CSV file.
This method performs the following steps:
1. Resets the `mapVals` variable by calling the `resetMapVals` method. Then only input parameters are accessible.
2. Ensures that the directory 'experiments/parameterization' exists, creating it if necessary.
3. Writes the current parameter values stored in `mapVals` to a CSV file named '<seqName>_last_parameters.csv', where <seqName> is the value of the 'seqName' key in `mapVals`.
The CSV file is saved in the 'experiments/parameterization' directory, and contains the header specified by `mapKeys`.
Potential exceptions:
KeyError: If 'seqName' is not a key in `mapVals`.
# Reset the mapVals variable
# Create directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists('experiments/parameterization'):
# Save csv file with mapVals
with open('experiments/parameterization/%s_last_parameters.csv' % self.mapVals['seqName'], 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=self.mapKeys)
writer.writerows([self.mapNmspc, self.mapVals])
def loadParams(self, directory='experiments/parameterization', file=None): ## ca vient d un fichier ou directement de mon action ???
Load parameter values from a CSV file.
This method loads parameter values into the `mapVals` attribute from a specified CSV file. The method first
attempts to load the last saved parameters if no specific file is provided. If a file is provided, it loads
parameters from the given file. The directory can be either 'experiments/parameterization' or 'calibration', or
any other specified directory for protocol parameters.
directory (str): The directory where the CSV file is located. Defaults to 'experiments/parameterization'.
file (str, optional): The specific CSV file to load. If not provided, the method loads the last saved parameters based on `seqName` in `mapVals`.
KeyError: If 'seqName' is not found in `mapVals` when attempting to load the last parameters.
FileNotFoundError: If the specified file does not exist in the given directory.
- self.loadParams()
- self.loadParams(directory='calibration', file='calibration_parameters.csv')
- This method updates the `mapVals` attribute with the new parameter values from the CSV file.
- The method handles different data types (str, int, float) for each parameter key and ensures the correct
type is maintained.
- If a key is missing in the new parameter values, the old value is retained.
mapValsOld = self.mapVals
if file is None: # Load last parameters
with open('%s/%s_last_parameters.csv' % (directory, self.mapVals['seqName']), 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for l in reader:
mapValsNew = l
if directory == 'calibration': # Load parameters from calibration directory
with open('%s/%s_last_parameters.csv' % (directory, file), 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for l in reader:
mapValsNew = l
else: # Load parameters from protocol directory
with open('%s/%s' % (directory, file), 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for l in reader:
mapValsNew = l
print("WARNING: File %s/%s does not exist" % (directory, file))
print("WARNING: File %s/%s loaded" % ("experiments/parameterization", self.mapVals['seqName']))
with open('%s/%s_last_parameters.csv' % ("experiments/parameterization", self.mapVals['seqName']),
'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for l in reader:
mapValsNew = l
self.mapVals = {}
# Get key for corresponding modified parameter
for key in self.mapKeys:
dataLen = self.mapLen[key]
valOld = mapValsOld[key]
valNew = mapValsNew[key]
valNew = str(valOld)
valNew = valNew.replace('[', '')
valNew = valNew.replace(']', '')
valNew = valNew.split(',')
if type(valOld) == str:
valOld = [valOld]
elif dataLen == 1:
valOld = [valOld]
dataType = type(valOld[0])
inputNum = []
for ii in range(dataLen):
if dataType == float or dataType == np.float64:
elif dataType == int:
if dataType == str:
self.mapVals[key] = inputNum[0]
if dataLen == 1: # Save value into mapVals
self.mapVals[key] = inputNum[0]
self.mapVals[key] = inputNum
self.mapVals = self.mapVals
def resetMapVals(self):
Reset the `mapVals` attribute to contain only the original keys.
This method creates a new dictionary (`mapVals2`) that includes only the original keys specified in `mapKeys`
and retains their corresponding values from the current `mapVals`. This effectively resets `mapVals` to its
initial state defined by `mapKeys`, discarding any additional keys that may have been added during execution.
- self.resetMapVals()
- Any additional keys in `mapVals` that are not present in `mapKeys` will be removed.
mapVals2 = {}
for key in self.mapKeys:
mapVals2[key] = self.mapVals[key]
self.mapVals = mapVals2
def sequencePlot(self, standalone=False):
Plot the TX, gradient, RX, and digital I/O sequences.
This method generates step data plots for TX channels, gradient channels, RX channels, and digital I/O channels
based on the data stored in `flo_dict` or obtained from an experiment object. If `standalone` is set to True,
the method will create and display the plots in a new figure window. Otherwise, it returns the plot data for
further use.
standalone (bool): If True, creates and displays the plots in a new figure window. Defaults to False.
list: A list of plot data, each element being a list containing:
- xData: List of time values for the plot.
- yData: List of amplitude values for the plot.
- legend: List of legend labels for the plot.
- title: Title of the plot.
- self.sequencePlot()
- self.sequencePlot(standalone=True)
- The method uses a nested function `getStepData` to generate step data for plotting.
- The method handles different scenarios based on the `demo` attribute and data from `flo_dict` or an
experiment object.
- If `demo` is True, it plots the TX, gradient, and RX channels from `flo_dict`.
- If `demo` is False, it plots the channels using data from an experiment object.
- The method formats the time data in milliseconds (ms) for plotting.
def getStepData(data):
t = data[0]
s = data[1]
n = np.size(t)
tStep = np.zeros(2 * n - 1)
sStep = np.zeros(2 * n - 1)
tStep[0::2] = t
tStep[1::2] = t[1::]
sStep[0::2] = s
sStep[1::2] = s[0:-1]
return [tStep, sStep]
# Plots
if self.demo:
# Plot tx channels
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
# tx0_i
x = self.flo_dict['tx0'][0]
y = np.real(self.flo_dict['tx0'][1])
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
# tx0_q
x = self.flo_dict['tx0'][0]
y = np.imag(self.flo_dict['tx0'][1])
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
# tx1_i
x = self.flo_dict['tx1'][0]
y = np.real(self.flo_dict['tx1'][1])
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
# tx1_q
x = self.flo_dict['tx1'][0]
y = np.imag(self.flo_dict['tx1'][1])
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
plotTx = [xData, yData, legend, 'Tx gate']
# Plot gradients
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
# g0
x = self.flo_dict['g0'][0]
y = self.flo_dict['g0'][1]
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
# g1
x = self.flo_dict['g1'][0]
y = self.flo_dict['g1'][1]
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
# g2
x = self.flo_dict['g2'][0]
y = self.flo_dict['g2'][1]
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
plotGrad = [xData, yData, legend, 'Gradients']
# Plot readouts
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
# rx0
x = self.flo_dict['rx0'][0]
y = self.flo_dict['rx0'][1]
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
# rx1
x = self.flo_dict['rx1'][0]
y = self.flo_dict['rx1'][1]
data = [x, y]
dataStep = getStepData(data)
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
plotRx = [xData, yData, legend, 'Rx gate']
outputs = [plotTx, plotGrad, plotRx]
# Get instructions from experiment object
fd = self.expt.get_flodict()
# Plot tx channels
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
for txl in ['tx0_i', 'tx0_q', 'tx1_i', 'tx1_q']:
dataStep = getStepData(fd[txl])
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
except KeyError:
plotTx = [xData, yData, legend, 'Tx gate']
# Plot gradient channels
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
for gradl in self.expt.gradb.keys():
dataStep = getStepData(fd[gradl])
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
except KeyError:
plotGrad = [xData, yData, legend, 'Gradients']
# Plot RX enable channels
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
for rxl in ['rx0_en', 'rx1_en']:
dataStep = getStepData(fd[rxl])
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
except KeyError:
plotRx = [xData, yData, legend, 'Rx gate']
# Plot digital outputs
xData = []
yData = []
legend = []
for iol in ['tx_gate', 'rx_gate', 'trig_out', 'leds']:
dataStep = getStepData(fd[iol])
xData.append(dataStep[0] * 1e-3)
except KeyError:
plotDigital = [xData, yData, legend, 'Digital']
outputs = [plotTx, plotGrad, plotRx, plotDigital]
if standalone:
# Create plot window
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 5))
# Insert plots
plot = 0
for item in outputs[0:3]:
plt.subplot(3, 1, plot + 1)
for ii in range(len(item[0])):
plt.plot(item[0][ii], item[1][ii], label=item[2][ii])
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (a.u.)')
plot += 1
return outputs
def getIndex(self, etl=1, nPH=1, sweepMode=1):
Generate an array representing the order to sweep the k-space phase lines along an echo train length.
The method creates an 'ind' array based on the specified echo train length (ETL), number of phase encoding
steps (nPH), and sweep mode. The sweep mode determines the order in which the k-space phase lines are traversed.
etl (int): Echo train length. Default is 1.
nPH (int): Number of phase encoding steps. Default is 1.
sweepMode (int): Sweep mode for k-space traversal. Default is 1.
- 0: Sequential from -kMax to kMax (for T2 contrast).
- 1: Center-out from 0 to kMax (for T1 or proton density contrast).
- 2: Out-to-center from kMax to 0 (for T2 contrast).
- 3: Niquist modulated method to reduce ghosting artifact (To be tested).
numpy.ndarray: An array of indices representing the k-space phase line traversal order.
n2ETL = int(nPH / 2 / etl)
ind = []
if nPH == 1:
ind = np.array([0])
if sweepMode == 0: # Sequential for T2 contrast
for ii in range(int(nPH / etl)):
ind = np.concatenate((ind, np.linspace(ii, nPH + ii, num=etl, endpoint=False)), axis=0)
ind = ind[::-1]
elif sweepMode == 1: # Center-out for T1 contrast
if etl == nPH:
ind = np.zeros(nPH)
ind[0::2] = np.linspace(int(nPH / 2), nPH, num=int(nPH / 2), endpoint=False)
ind[1::2] = np.linspace(int(nPH / 2) - 1, -1, num=int(nPH / 2), endpoint=False)
for ii in range(n2ETL):
ind = np.concatenate((ind, np.linspace(int(nPH / 2) + ii, nPH + ii, num=etl, endpoint=False)),
ind = np.concatenate(
(ind, np.linspace(int(nPH / 2) - ii - 1, -ii - 1, num=etl, endpoint=False)), axis=0)
elif sweepMode == 2: # Out-to-center for T2 contrast
if etl == nPH:
ind = np.zeros(nPH)
ind[0::2] = np.linspace(int(nPH / 2), nPH, num=int(nPH / 2), endpoint=False)
ind[1::2] = np.linspace(int(nPH / 2) - 1, -1, num=int(nPH / 2), endpoint=False)
for ii in range(n2ETL):
ind = np.concatenate((ind, np.linspace(int(nPH / 2) + ii, nPH + ii, num=etl, endpoint=False)),
ind = np.concatenate(
(ind, np.linspace(int(nPH / 2) - ii - 1, -ii - 1, num=etl, endpoint=False)), axis=0)
ind = ind[::-1]
elif sweepMode == 3: # Niquist modulated to reduce ghosting artifact
if etl == nPH:
ind = np.arange(0, nPH, 1)
for ii in range(int(n2ETL)):
ind = np.concatenate((ind, np.arange(0, nPH, 2 * n2ETL) + 2 * ii), axis=0)
ind = np.concatenate((ind, np.arange(nPH - 1, 0, -2 * n2ETL) - 2 * ii), axis=0)
return np.int32(ind)
def fixEchoPosition(self, echoes, data0):
Adjust the position of k=0 in the echo data to the center of the acquisition window.
This method uses oversampled data obtained with a given echo train length and readout gradient to determine the
true position of k=0. It then shifts the sampled data to place k=0 at the center of each acquisition window for
each gradient-spin-echo.
echoes (numpy.ndarray): The echo data array with dimensions [etl, n], where `etl` is the echo train length
and `n` is the number of samples per echo. This echo train is acquired in a dummy
excitation before the sequence using only the readout gradient.
data0 (numpy.ndarray): The original data array to be adjusted with dimensions [channels, etl, n].
numpy.ndarray: The adjusted data array with k=0 positioned at the center of each acquisition window.
etl = np.size(echoes, axis=0)
n = np.size(echoes, axis=1)
idx = np.argmax(np.abs(echoes), axis=1)
idx = idx - int(n / 2)
data1 = data0 * 0
for ii in range(etl):
if idx[ii] > 0:
idx[ii] = 0
data1[:, ii, -idx[ii]::] = data0[:, ii, 0:n + idx[ii]]
return data1
def decimate(self, data_over, n_adc, option='PETRA', remove=True):
Decimates oversampled MRI data, with optional preprocessing to manage oscillations and postprocessing
to remove extra points.
data_over : numpy.ndarray
The oversampled data array to be decimated.
n_adc : int
The number of adc windows in the dataset, used to reshape and process the data appropriately.
option : str, optional
Preprocessing option to handle data before decimation:
- 'PETRA': Adjusts initial points to avoid oscillations during decimation.
- 'Normal': Applies no preprocessing (default is 'PETRA').
remove : bool, optional
If True, removes `addRdPoints` from the start and end of each readout line after decimation.
Defaults to True.
The decimated data array, optionally adjusted to remove extra points.
1. **Preprocess data (optional)**:
- For 'PETRA' mode, reshapes the data into adc windows and adjusts the first few points of each line
to avoid oscillations caused by decimation.
- For 'Normal' mode, no preprocessing is applied.
2. **Decimate the signal**:
- Applies a finite impulse response (FIR) filter and decimates the signal by the oversampling factor
- Starts decimation after skipping `(oversamplingFactor - 1) / 2` points to minimize edge effects.
3. **Postprocess data (if `remove=True`)**:
- Reshapes the decimated data into adc windows.
- Removes `hw.addRdPoints` from the start and end of each line.
- Reshapes the cleaned data back into a 1D array.
- This method uses the hardware-specific parameters:
- `hw.oversamplingFactor`: The oversampling factor applied during data acquisition.
- `hw.addRdPoints`: The number of additional readout points to include or remove.
- The 'PETRA' preprocessing mode is tailored for specialized MRI acquisitions that require smoothing of
initial points to prevent oscillations.
# Preprocess the signal to avoid oscillations due to decimation
if option == 'PETRA':
data_over = np.reshape(data_over, (n_adc, -1))
for line in range(n_adc):
data_over[line, 0:hw.addRdPoints * hw.oversamplingFactor] = data_over[
line, hw.addRdPoints * hw.oversamplingFactor]
data_over = np.reshape(data_over, -1)
elif option == 'Normal':
# Decimate the signal after 'fir' filter
data_decimated = sig.decimate(data_over[int((hw.oversamplingFactor - 1) / 2)::], hw.oversamplingFactor,
ftype='fir', zero_phase=True)
# Remove addRdPoints
if remove:
nPoints = int(data_decimated.shape[0] / n_adc) - 2 * hw.addRdPoints
data_decimated = np.reshape(data_decimated, (n_adc, -1))
data_decimated = data_decimated[:, hw.addRdPoints:hw.addRdPoints + nPoints]
data_decimated = np.reshape(data_decimated, -1)
return data_decimated
def rfSincPulse(self, tStart, rfTime, rfAmplitude, rfPhase=0, nLobes=7, channel=0, rewrite=True):
Generate an RF pulse with a sinc pulse shape and the corresponding deblanking signal. It uses a Hanning window
to reduce the banding of the frequency profile.
tStart (float): Start time of the RF pulse.
rfTime (float): Duration of the RF pulse.
rfAmplitude (float): Amplitude of the RF pulse.
rfPhase (float): Phase of the RF pulse in radians. Default is 0.
nLobes (int): Number of lobes in the sinc pulse. Default is 7.
channel (int): Channel index for the RF pulse. Default is 0.
rewrite (bool): Whether to rewrite the existing RF pulse. Default is True.
txTime = np.linspace(tStart, tStart + rfTime, num=100, endpoint=True) + hw.blkTime
nZeros = (nLobes + 1)
tx = np.linspace(-nZeros / 2, nZeros / 2, num=100, endpoint=True)
hanning = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * tx / nZeros))
txAmp = rfAmplitude * np.exp(1j * rfPhase) * hanning * np.abs(np.sinc(tx))
txGateTime = np.array([tStart, tStart + hw.blkTime + rfTime])
txGateAmp = np.array([1, 0])
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0], txTime), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1], txAmp), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0], txGateTime), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1], txGateAmp), axis=0)
def rfRawSincPulse(self, tStart, rfTime, rfAmplitude, rfPhase=0, nLobes=7, channel=0, rewrite=True):
Generate an RF pulse with a sinc pulse shape. It uses a Hanning window
to reduce the banding of the frequency profile.
tStart (float): Start time of the RF pulse.
rfTime (float): Duration of the RF pulse.
rfAmplitude (float): Amplitude of the RF pulse.
rfPhase (float): Phase of the RF pulse in radians. Default is 0.
nLobes (int): Number of lobes in the sinc pulse. Default is 7.
channel (int): Channel index for the RF pulse. Default is 0.
rewrite (bool): Whether to rewrite the existing RF pulse. Default is True.
txTime = np.linspace(tStart, tStart + rfTime, num=100, endpoint=True) + hw.blkTime
nZeros = (nLobes + 1)
tx = np.linspace(-nZeros / 2, nZeros / 2, num=100, endpoint=True)
hanning = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * tx / nZeros))
txAmp = rfAmplitude * np.exp(1j * rfPhase) * hanning * np.abs(np.sinc(tx))
txGateTime = np.array([tStart, tStart + hw.blkTime + rfTime])
txGateAmp = np.array([1, 0])
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0], txTime), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1], txAmp), axis=0)
def rfRecPulse(self, tStart, rfTime, rfAmplitude, rfPhase=0, channel=0):
Generate an RF pulse with a rectangular pulse shape and the corresponding deblanking signal.
tStart (float): Start time of the RF pulse.
rfTime (float): Duration of the RF pulse.
rfAmplitude (float): Amplitude of the RF pulse.
rfPhase (float): Phase of the RF pulse in radians. Default is 0.
channel (int): Channel index for the RF pulse. Default is 0.
txTime = np.array([tStart + hw.blkTime, tStart + hw.blkTime + rfTime])
txAmp = np.array([rfAmplitude * np.exp(1j * rfPhase), 0.])
txGateTime = np.array([tStart, tStart + hw.blkTime + rfTime])
txGateAmp = np.array([1, 0])
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0], txTime), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1], txAmp), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0], txGateTime), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1], txGateAmp), axis=0)
def rfRawPulse(self, tStart, rfTime, rfAmplitude, rfPhase=0, channel=0):
Generate an RF pulse with a rectangular pulse shape.
tStart (float): Start time of the RF pulse.
rfTime (float): Duration of the RF pulse.
rfAmplitude (float): Amplitude of the RF pulse.
rfPhase (float): Phase of the RF pulse in radians. Default is 0.
channel (int): Channel index for the RF pulse. Default is 0.
txTime = np.array([tStart, tStart + rfTime])
txAmp = np.array([rfAmplitude * np.exp(1j * rfPhase), 0.])
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][0], txTime), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx%i' % channel][1], txAmp), axis=0)
def rxGate(self, tStart, gateTime, channel=0):
Open the receiver gate for a specified channel.
tStart (float): Start time of the receiver gate.
gateTime (float): Duration of the receiver gate.
channel (int): Channel index for the receiver gate. Default is 0.
self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][0] = \
np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][0], np.array([tStart, tStart + gateTime])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][1] = \
np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][1], np.array([1, 0])), axis=0)
def rxGateSync(self, tStart, gateTime, channel=0):
Open a synchronized receiver gate for a specified channel with additional points to account for the time shift
and ramp of the CIC filter.
tStart (float): Start time of the receiver gate.
gateTime (float): Duration of the receiver gate.
channel (int): Channel index for the receiver gate. Default is 0.
- This method is designed to work with the Experiment class in the controller, which inherits from Experiment in marcos_client.
# Generate instructions taking into account the cic filter delay and addRdPoints
samplingRate = self.expt.getSamplingRate() / hw.oversamplingFactor # us
samplingRate = self.mapVals['samplingPeriod'] / hw.oversamplingFactor
t0 = tStart - (hw.addRdPoints * hw.oversamplingFactor - hw.cic_delay_points) * samplingRate # us
t1 = tStart + (hw.addRdPoints * hw.oversamplingFactor + hw.cic_delay_points) * samplingRate + gateTime # us
self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][0] = \
np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][0], np.array([t0, t1])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][1] = \
np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx%i' % channel][1], np.array([1, 0])), axis=0)
def ttl(self, tStart, ttlTime, channel=0):
Generate a digital signal for a specified channel.
tStart (float): Start time of the TTL signal.
ttlTime (float): Duration of the TTL signal.
channel (int): Channel index for the TTL signal. Default is 0.
self.flo_dict['ttl%i' % channel][0] = \
np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl%i' % channel][0], np.array([tStart, tStart + ttlTime])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl%i' % channel][1] = \
np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl%i' % channel][1], np.array([1, 0])), axis=0)
def gradTrap(self, tStart, gRiseTime, gFlattopTime, gAmp, gSteps, gAxis, shimming):
Generate a gradient pulse with trapezoidal shape.
This method generates a gradient pulse with a trapezoidal shape. One step is used to generate a rectangular
tStart (float): Start time of the gradient pulse.
gRiseTime (float): Rise time of the gradient pulse in microseconds.
gFlattopTime (float): Flattop time of the gradient pulse in microseconds.
gAmp (float): Amplitude of the gradient pulse in T/m.
gSteps (int): Number of steps for the gradient ramps.
gAxis (int): Axis index for the gradient pulse.
shimming (list): List of shimming values for each axis in arbitrary units from marcos.
- Time inputs are in microseconds.
- Amplitude inputs are in T/m.
- shimming is in arbitrary units
tUp = np.linspace(tStart, tStart + gRiseTime, num=gSteps, endpoint=False)
tDown = tUp + gRiseTime + gFlattopTime
t = np.concatenate((tUp, tDown), axis=0)
dAmp = gAmp / gSteps
aUp = np.linspace(dAmp, gAmp, num=gSteps)
aDown = np.linspace(gAmp - dAmp, 0, num=gSteps)
a = np.squeeze(np.concatenate((aUp, aDown), axis=0)) / hw.gFactor[gAxis] + shimming[gAxis]
self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][0], t), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][1], a), axis=0)
def gradTrapMomentum(self, tStart, kMax, gTotalTime, gAxis, shimming, rewrite=True):
Generate a gradient pulse with trapezoidal shape according to slew rate.
This method generates a gradient pulse with a trapezoidal shape based on the provided slew rate and maximum
tStart (float): Start time of the gradient pulse.
kMax (float): Maximum k-value in 1/m.
gTotalTime (float): Total time of the gradient pulse in microseconds including flattop and ramps.
gAxis (int): Axis index for the gradient pulse.
shimming (list): List of shimming values for each axis.
rewrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite existing gradient data. Defaults to True.
- Time inputs are in microseconds.
- kMax inputs are in 1/m.
- shimming is in arbitrary units
kMax = kMax / hw.gammaB * 1e6
# Changing from Ocra1 units
slewRate = hw.slewRate / hw.gFactor[gAxis] # Convert to units [s*m/T]
stepsRate = hw.stepsRate / hw.gFactor[gAxis] # Convert to units [steps*m/T]
# Calculating amplitude
gAmplitude = (gTotalTime - np.sqrt(gTotalTime ** 2 - 4 * slewRate * kMax)) / (2 * slewRate)
# Trapezoid characteristics
gRiseTime = gAmplitude * slewRate
nSteps = int(np.ceil(gAmplitude * stepsRate))
# Creating trapezoid
tRise = np.linspace(tStart, tStart + gRiseTime, nSteps, endpoint=True)
aRise = np.linspace(0, gAmplitude, nSteps, endpoint=True)
tDown = np.linspace(tStart + gTotalTime - gRiseTime, tStart + gTotalTime, nSteps, endpoint=True)
aDown = np.linspace(gAmplitude, 0, nSteps, endpoint=True)
gTime = np.concatenate((tRise, tDown), axis=0)
gAmp = np.concatenate((aRise, aDown), axis=0) / hw.gFactor[gAxis]
if gAxis == 0:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vx': (gTime, gAmp + shimming[0])}, rewrite)
elif gAxis == 1:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vy': (gTime, gAmp + shimming[1])}, rewrite)
elif gAxis == 2:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vz': (gTime, gAmp + shimming[2])}, rewrite)
def setGradientRamp(self, tStart, gradRiseTime, nStepsGradRise, g0, gf, gAxis, shimming, rewrite=True):
Generate a gradient ramp from 'g0' to 'gf'.
This method generates a gradient ramp from the initial amplitude 'g0' to the final amplitude 'gf' over the
specified rise time.
tStart (float): Start time of the gradient ramp.
gradRiseTime (float): Rise time of the gradient ramp in microseconds.
nStepsGradRise (int): Number of steps in the gradient ramp.
g0 (float): Initial gradient amplitude in T/m.
gf (float): Final gradient amplitude in T/m.
gAxis (int): Axis index for the gradient ramp.
shimming (list): List of shimming values for each axis.
rewrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite existing gradient data. Defaults to True.
- Time inputs are in microseconds.
- Amplitude inputs are in T/m.
- shimming is in arbitrary units
for kk in range(nStepsGradRise):
tRamp = tStart + gradRiseTime * kk / nStepsGradRise
gAmp = (g0 + ((gf - g0) * (kk + 1) / nStepsGradRise)) / hw.gFactor[gAxis] + shimming[gAxis]
self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][0], np.array([tRamp])),
self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][1], np.array([gAmp])),
def gradTrapAmplitude(self, tStart, gAmplitude, gTotalTime, gAxis, shimming, orders, rewrite=True):
Generate a gradient pulse with trapezoidal shape according to slew rate and specified amplitude.
This method generates a gradient pulse with a trapezoidal shape according to the specified amplitude and slew
tStart (float): Start time of the gradient pulse.
gAmplitude (float): Amplitude of the gradient pulse in T/m.
gTotalTime (float): Total duration of the gradient pulse in microseconds.
gAxis (int): Axis index for the gradient pulse.
shimming (list): List of shimming values for each axis.
orders (int): Number of orders.
rewrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite existing gradient data. Defaults to True.
- Time inputs are in microseconds.
- gAmplitude input is in T/m.
- shimming is in arbitrary units
# Changing from Ocra1 units
slewRate = hw.slewRate / hw.gFactor[gAxis] # Convert to units [s*m/T]
stepsRate = hw.stepsRate / hw.gFactor[gAxis] # Convert to units [steps*m/T]
# Trapezoid characteristics
gRiseTime = np.abs(gAmplitude * slewRate)
nSteps = int(np.ceil(np.abs(gAmplitude * stepsRate)))
orders = orders + 2 * nSteps
# Creating trapezoid
tRise = np.linspace(tStart, tStart + gRiseTime, nSteps, endpoint=True)
aRise = np.linspace(0, gAmplitude, nSteps, endpoint=True)
tDown = np.linspace(tStart + gTotalTime - gRiseTime, tStart + gTotalTime, nSteps, endpoint=True)
aDown = np.linspace(gAmplitude, 0, nSteps, endpoint=True)
gTime = np.concatenate((tRise, tDown), axis=0)
gAmp = np.concatenate((aRise, aDown), axis=0) / hw.gFactor[gAxis]
if gAxis == 0:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vx': (gTime, gAmp + shimming[0])}, rewrite)
elif gAxis == 1:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vy': (gTime, gAmp + shimming[1])}, rewrite)
elif gAxis == 2:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vz': (gTime, gAmp + shimming[2])}, rewrite)
def endSequence(self, tEnd):
Finalize the sequence by setting the gradients, RX, TX, and TTL signals to zero at the specified end time.
tEnd (float): End time of the sequence in microseconds.
self.flo_dict['g0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g0'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g0'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g1'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g1'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g2'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g2'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g2'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g2'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx0'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx0'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx1'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['rx1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['rx1'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx0'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx0'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx1'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['tx1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['tx1'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl1'][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl1'][0], np.array([tEnd])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['ttl1'][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['ttl1'][1], np.array([0])), axis=0)
def iniSequence(self, t0, shimming):
Initialize the sequence by setting the initial values for gradients, RX, TX, and TTL signals at the desired
t0 (float): Initial time of the sequence in microseconds.
shimming (list): List of shimming values for each axis in arbitrary units.
self.flo_dict['g0'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['g0'][1] = np.array([shimming[0]])
self.flo_dict['g1'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['g1'][1] = np.array([shimming[1]])
self.flo_dict['g2'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['g2'][1] = np.array([shimming[2]])
self.flo_dict['rx0'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['rx0'][1] = np.array([0])
self.flo_dict['rx1'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['rx1'][1] = np.array([0])
self.flo_dict['tx0'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['tx0'][1] = np.array([0])
self.flo_dict['tx1'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['tx1'][1] = np.array([0])
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1] = np.array([0])
self.flo_dict['ttl1'][0] = np.array([t0])
self.flo_dict['ttl1'][1] = np.array([0])
def setGradient(self, t0, gAmp, gAxis, rewrite=True):
Set the gradient amplitude to a given value at a specified time.
t0 (float): Time at which the gradient is set, in microseconds.
gAmp (float): Amplitude of the gradient, in arbitrary units [-1, 1].
gAxis (int): Axis of the gradient (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z).
rewrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite existing values. Defaults to True.
self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][0] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][0], np.array([t0])), axis=0)
self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][1] = np.concatenate((self.flo_dict['g%i' % gAxis][1], np.array([gAmp])), axis=0)
def floDict2Exp(self, rewrite=True, demo=False):
Check for errors and add instructions to Red Pitaya if no errors are found.
rewrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite existing values. Defaults to True.
demo: If demo is True it just check for errors. Defaults to False.
bool: True if no errors were found and instructions were successfully added to Red Pitaya; False otherwise.
# Check errors:
for key in self.flo_dict.keys():
item = self.flo_dict[key]
dt = item[0][1::] - item[0][0:-1]
if (dt <= 1).any():
print("ERROR: %s timing error" % key)
return False
if (item[1] > 1).any() or (item[1] < -1).any():
print("ERROR: %s amplitude error" % key)
return False
# Add instructions to server
if not self.demo:
self.expt.add_flodict({'grad_vx': (self.flo_dict['g0'][0], self.flo_dict['g0'][1]),
'grad_vy': (self.flo_dict['g1'][0], self.flo_dict['g1'][1]),
'grad_vz': (self.flo_dict['g2'][0], self.flo_dict['g2'][1]),
'rx0_en': (self.flo_dict['rx0'][0], self.flo_dict['rx0'][1]),
'rx1_en': (self.flo_dict['rx1'][0], self.flo_dict['rx1'][1]),
'tx0': (self.flo_dict['tx0'][0], self.flo_dict['tx0'][1]),
'tx1': (self.flo_dict['tx1'][0], self.flo_dict['tx1'][1]),
'tx_gate': (self.flo_dict['ttl0'][0], self.flo_dict['ttl0'][1]),
'rx_gate': (self.flo_dict['ttl1'][0], self.flo_dict['ttl1'][1]),
}, rewrite)
return True
def saveRawData(self):
Save the rawData.
This method saves the rawData to various formats including .mat, .csv, .dcm and .h5.
The .mat file contains the rawData.
The .csv file contains only the input parameters.
The .dcm file is the DICOM image.
The .h5 file is the ISMRMRD format.
# Get directory
if 'directory' in self.session.keys():
directory = self.session['directory']
dt2 = date.today()
date_string = dt2.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
directory = 'experiments/acquisitions/%s' % (date_string)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
# generate directories for mat, csv and dcm files
directory_mat = directory + '/mat'
directory_csv = directory + '/csv'
directory_dcm = directory + '/dcm'
directory_ismrmrd = directory + '/ismrmrd'
if not os.path.exists(directory + '/mat'):
if not os.path.exists(directory + '/csv'):
if not os.path.exists(directory + '/dcm'):
if not os.path.exists(directory + '/ismrmrd'):
# Generate filename
name = datetime.now()
name_string = name.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S.%f")[:-3]
self.mapVals['name_string'] = name_string
if hasattr(self, 'raw_data_name'):
file_name = "%s.%s" % (self.raw_data_name, name_string)
self.raw_data_name = self.mapVals['seqName']
file_name = "%s.%s" % (self.mapVals['seqName'], name_string)
self.mapVals['fileName'] = "%s.mat" % file_name
# Generate filename for ismrmrd
self.mapVals['fileNameIsmrmrd'] = "%s.h5" % file_name
# Save mat file with the outputs
savemat("%s/%s.mat" % (directory_mat, file_name), self.mapVals) # au format savemat(chemin_fichier_mat, {"data" : data}), avec data contient les données brute à sauvegarder
# Save csv with input parameters
with open('%s/%s.csv' % (directory_csv, file_name), 'w') as csvfile: # ouvrir le fichier csv en mode écriture au format with open(chemin_fichier_csv, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=self.mapKeys) # mapKeys contient les noms des colonnes du fichier csv que l'on veut sauvegarder
writer.writeheader() # écrire l'entete du csv les noms des colonnes dans le fichier csv
mapVals = {} # stockage de valeurs de données à écrire
for key in self.mapKeys: # take only the inputs from mapVals
mapVals[key] = self.mapVals[key] # copie les donnée de l'acquisition stockées dans self.mapVals dans mapVals
writer.writerows([self.mapNmspc, mapVals]) # écrire les données dans le fichier csv
# Save dcm with the final image
if (len(self.output) > 0) and (self.output[0]['widget'] == 'image') and (self.mode is None): ##verify if output is an image
self.image2Dicom(fileName="%s/%s.dcm" % (directory_dcm, file_name))
# Move seq files
self.move_batch_files(destination_folder=directory, file_name=file_name)
def move_batch_files(destination_folder, file_name):
Move batch_X.seq files from the current working directory to the specified destination folder.
The method scans all files in the current directory and identifies files with the extension '.seq'.
It extracts the batch number from the file name (in the format 'batch_X.seq', where 'X' is the batch number).
Then, it moves these files to a subfolder 'seq' inside the specified destination folder, renaming them based on the provided `file_name` template.
- destination_folder (str): The path to the destination folder where the 'seq' subfolder will be created, and the files will be moved.
- file_name (str): The prefix used for renaming the files. Files will be renamed in the format 'file_name_X.seq', where 'X' is the extracted batch number from the original file name.
If the file 'batch_1.seq' is found and `file_name='processed'`, it will be moved and renamed to:
Side Effects:
- Creates a 'seq' subfolder in the destination folder if it doesn't already exist.
- Moves and renames the matched '.seq' files from the current directory.
# List all files in the source folder
for source_file in os.listdir():
# Match files with the pattern 'batch_X.seq'
file_prov = source_file.split('.')
if file_prov[-1]=='seq' and os.path.isfile(source_file):
batch_num = file_prov[0].split('_')[-1]
# Create the destination folder path based on the batch number
os.makedirs(os.path.join(destination_folder, 'seq'), exist_ok=True)
# Move the file to the destination folder
destination_file = os.path.join(destination_folder, 'seq', file_name+'_%s.seq' % batch_num)
shutil.move(source_file, destination_file)
print(f'Moved: {file_name} to {destination_folder}')
def image2Dicom(self, fileName):
Save the DICOM image.
This method saves the DICOM image with the given filename.
fileName (str): The filename to save the DICOM image.
# Create DICOM object
dicom_image = DICOMImage()
# Save image into DICOM object
dicom_image.meta_data["PixelData"] = self.meta_data["PixelData"]
except KeyError:
image = self.output[0]['data']
dicom_image.meta_data["PixelData"] = image.astype(np.int16).tobytes()
# If it is a 3D image
if len(image.shape) > 2:
# Get dimensions
slices, rows, columns = image.shape
dicom_image.meta_data["Columns"] = columns
dicom_image.meta_data["Rows"] = rows
dicom_image.meta_data["NumberOfSlices"] = slices
dicom_image.meta_data["NumberOfFrames"] = slices
# If it is a 2D image
# Get dimensions
rows, columns = image.shape
dicom_image.meta_data["Columns"] = columns
dicom_image.meta_data["Rows"] = rows
dicom_image.meta_data["NumberOfSlices"] = 1
dicom_image.meta_data["NumberOfFrames"] = 1
# Date and time
current_time = datetime.now()
self.meta_data["StudyDate"] = current_time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
self.meta_data["StudyTime"] = current_time.strftime("%H%M%S")
# More DICOM tags
self.meta_data["PatientName"] = self.session["subject_id"]
self.meta_data["PatientSex"] = " "
self.meta_data["StudyID"] = self.session["subject_id"]
self.meta_data["InstitutionName"] = self.session["scanner"]
self.meta_data["ImageComments"] = " "
self.meta_data["PatientID"] = self.session["subject_id"]
self.meta_data["SOPInstanceUID"] = self.mapVals['name_string']
self.meta_data["SeriesDescription"] = self.raw_data_name
self.session['seriesNumber'] = self.session['seriesNumber'] + 1
self.meta_data["SeriesNumber"] = self.session['seriesNumber']
# Full dynamic window
# self.meta_data["WindowWidth"] = 26373
# self.meta_data["WindowCenter"] = 13194
# Update the DICOM metadata
# Save metadata dictionary into DICOM object metadata (Standard DICOM 3.0)
# Save DICOM file
def addParameter(self, key='', string='', val=0, units=True, field='', tip=None):
Add a parameter to the sequence.
This method adds a parameter to the sequence with the specified key, description string, value, units, field,
and tip.
key (str): The key of the parameter.
string (str): The description string of the parameter.
val (int/float/str/list): The value of the parameter. It can be an integer, a float, a string, or a list.
units (bool): Indicates the units of the parameter (e.g. cm -> 1e-2, or you can use the config/units.py module).
field (str): The field of the parameter: 'RF', 'IMG', 'SEQ', 'OTH'.
tip (str): Additional information or tip about the parameter.
if key is not self.mapVals.keys():
self.mapNmspc[key] = string
self.mapVals[key] = val
self.mapFields[key] = field
self.mapTips[key] = tip
self.map_units[key] = units
self.mapLen[key] = len(val)
except TypeError:
self.mapLen[key] = 1
def sequenceAtributes(self):
Add input parameters to the sequence object.
This method iterates over the input parameters and adds them as attributes to the sequence object (self). It
multiplies each parameter by its corresponding unit if units are specified (e.g. key = 'f0', val = 3,
units = 1e-6 will create self.f0 = 3e-6.
for key in self.mapKeys:
if isinstance(self.mapVals[key], list):
setattr(self, key, np.array([element * self.map_units[key] for element in self.mapVals[key]]))
setattr(self, key, self.mapVals[key] * self.map_units[key])
def plotResults(self):
Plot results in a standalone window.
This method generates plots based on the output data provided. It creates a plot window, inserts each plot
according to its type (image or curve), sets titles and labels, and displays the plot.
# Determine the number of columns and rows for subplots
cols = 1
rows = 1
for item in self.output:
if item['row'] + 1 > rows:
rows += 1
if item['col'] + 1 > cols:
cols += 1
# Create the plot window
fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(10, 5))
# Insert plots
plot = 0
for item in self.output:
if item['widget'] == 'image':
nz, ny, nx = item['data'].shape
plt.subplot(rows, cols, plot + 1)
plt.imshow(item['data'][int(nz / 2), :, :], cmap='gray')
elif item['widget'] == 'curve':
plt.subplot(rows, cols, plot + 1)
n = 0
for y_data in item['yData']:
plt.plot(item['xData'], y_data, label=item['legend'][n])
n += 1
plot += 1
# Set the figure title
# Adjust the layout to prevent overlapping titles
# Show the plot
def getParameter(self, key):
Get the value of a parameter.
key (str): The key corresponding to the parameter.
Any: The value of the parameter associated with the given key.
return self.mapVals[key]
def setParameter(self, key=True, string=True, val=True, unit=True):
Set the value of a parameter.
key (str): The key corresponding to the parameter.
string (str): String that will be shown in the GUI
val (Any): The new value to be assigned to the parameter.
unit (bool): The unit of the parameter.
self.mapVals[key] = val
self.mapNmspc[key] = string
self.map_units[key] = unit
def fix_image_orientation(image, axes):
Adjusts the orientation of a 3D image array to match standard anatomical planes
(sagittal, coronal, or transversal) and returns the oriented image along with labeling
and metadata for visualization.
image (np.ndarray): A 3D numpy array representing the image data to be reoriented.
axes (list[int]): A list of three integers representing the current order of the
axes in the image (e.g., [0, 1, 2] for x, y, z).
dict: A dictionary containing the following keys:
- 'widget': A fixed string "image" or "curve" indicating the type of data for visualization.
- 'data': The reoriented 3D image array (np.ndarray).
- 'xLabel': A string representing the label for the x-axis in the visualization.
- 'yLabel': A string representing the label for the y-axis in the visualization.
- 'title': A string representing the title of the visualization (e.g., "Sagittal").
# Get axes in strings
axes_dict = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
axes_keys = list(axes_dict.keys())
axes_vals = list(axes_dict.values())
axes_str = ['', '', '']
n = 0
for val in axes:
index = axes_vals.index(val)
axes_str[n] = axes_keys[index]
n += 1
# Create output dictionaries to plot figures
x_label = "%s axis" % axes_str[1]
y_label = "%s axis" % axes_str[0]
title = "Image"
if axes[2] == 2: # Sagittal
title = "Sagittal"
if axes[0] == 0 and axes[1] == 1:
image = np.flip(image, axis=0)
x_label = "(-Y) A | PHASE | P (+Y)"
y_label = "(-X) I | READOUT | S (+X)"
image_orientation_dicom = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
image = np.flip(image, axis=0)
x_label = "(-Y) A | READOUT | P (+Y)"
y_label = "(-X) I | PHASE | S (+X)"
image_orientation_dicom = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
elif axes[2] == 1: # Coronal
title = "Coronal"
if axes[0] == 0 and axes[1] == 2:
x_label = "(+Z) R | PHASE | L (-Z)"
y_label = "(-X) I | READOUT | S (+X)"
image_orientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
x_label = "(+Z) R | READOUT | L (-Z)"
y_label = "(-X) I | PHASE | S (+X)"
image_orientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
elif axes[2] == 0: # Transversal
title = "Transversal"
if axes[0] == 1 and axes[1] == 2:
image = np.flip(image, axis=0)
x_label = "(+Z) R | PHASE | L (-Z)"
y_label = "(+Y) P | READOUT | A (-Y)"
image_orientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
image = np.flip(image, axis=0)
x_label = "(+Z) R | READOUT | L (-Z)"
y_label = "(+Y) P | PHASE | A (-Y)"
image_orientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
output = {
'widget': 'image',
'data': image,
'xLabel': x_label,
'yLabel': y_label,
'title': title,
return output
def runIFFT(k_space):
Perform inverse FFT reconstruction.
This method performs the inverse Fourier transform to reconstruct the image in the spatial domain from k-space
k_space (ndarray): The k-space data.
ndarray: The reconstructed image in the spatial domain.
image = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(k_space)))
return image
def runDFFT(image):
Perform direct FFT reconstruction.
This method performs the direct Fourier transform to obtain the k-space data from an image in the spatial
image (ndarray): The image in the spatial domain.
ndarray: The k-space data.
k_space = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(image)))
return k_space
def runBm4dFilter(image_data):
Apply the BM4D filter to denoise the image.
This method retrieves the image data, rescales it, calculates the standard deviation for the BM4D filter,
applies the BM4D filter to denoise the rescaled image, and rescales the denoised image back to its original
image_data (ndarray): The input image data.
ndarray: The denoised image.
# Rescale the image data for processing
reference = np.max(image_data)
image_rescaled = image_data / reference * 100
# Calculate the standard deviation for BM4D filter
# (Code to calculate the standard deviation is included here)
# Create a BM4D profile and set options
profile = bm4d.BM4DProfile()
stage_arg = bm4d.BM4DStages.ALL_STAGES
blockmatches = (False, False)
# Apply the BM4D filter to the rescaled image
denoised_rescaled = bm4d.bm4d(image_rescaled, sigma_psd=5, profile=profile, stage_arg=stage_arg,
# Rescale the denoised image back to its original dimensions
denoised_image = denoised_rescaled / 100 * reference
return denoised_image
def runCosbellFilter(sampled, data, cosbell_order):
Apply the Cosbell filter operation to the k-space data along three directions.
This method applies the Cosbell filter to the k-space data along the readout ('rd'), phase ('ph'), and slice
('sl') directions. It modifies the input k-space data in-place.
sampled (ndarray): The sampled k-space coordinates in a nx3 matrix, where n is the number of points in k-space. The three columns correspond to the readout, phase, and slice directions.
data (ndarray): The 3D matrix representing the k-space data to be filtered (sl, ph, rd).
cosbell_order (int): The order of the Cosbell filter.
ndarray: The filtered k-space data.
nPoints = data.shape
# Along readout
k = np.reshape(sampled[:, 0], nPoints)
kmax = np.max(np.abs(k[:]))
theta = k / kmax
data *= (np.cos(theta * (np.pi / 2)) ** cosbell_order)
# Along phase
k = np.reshape(sampled[:, 1], nPoints)
kmax = np.max(np.abs(k[:]))
theta = k / kmax
data *= (np.cos(theta * (np.pi / 2)) ** cosbell_order)
# Along slice
k = np.reshape(sampled[:, 2], nPoints)
kmax = np.max(np.abs(k[:]))
theta = k / kmax
data *= (np.cos(theta * (np.pi / 2)) ** cosbell_order)
return data
def runZeroPadding(k_space, zero_padding_order):
Perform the zero-padding operation on k-space data.
This method applies zero-padding to the loaded k-space data to increase its size.
The padding order is specified for each dimension: readout (rd), phase (ph), and slice (sl).
The padded k-space data is returned as a new matrix.
k_space (ndarray): The 3D matrix k-space data to be zero-padded.
zero_padding_order (str): The zero-padding order for each dimension represented as a string.
The order should consist of three integers specifying the padding factor for the readout, phase, and
slice dimensions, respectively.
ndarray: The 3D matrix containing the zero-padded k-space data.
# Zero-padding order for each dimension from the text field
rd_order = int(zero_padding_order[0])
ph_order = int(zero_padding_order[1])
sl_order = int(zero_padding_order[2])
# Get the shape of the current k-space data
current_shape = k_space.shape
# Determine the new shape after zero-padding
new_shape = (
current_shape[0] * sl_order,
current_shape[1] * ph_order,
current_shape[2] * rd_order
# Create an image matrix filled with zeros
image_matrix = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype=complex)
# Get the dimensions of the current k-space data
image_height = current_shape[0]
image_width = current_shape[1]
image_depth = current_shape[2]
# Calculate the centering offsets for each dimension
col_offset = (new_shape[0] - image_height) // 2
row_offset = (new_shape[1] - image_width) // 2
depth_offset = (new_shape[2] - image_depth) // 2
# Calculate the start and end indices to center the k-space within the image_matrix
col_start = col_offset
col_end = col_start + image_height
row_start = row_offset
row_end = row_start + image_width
depth_start = depth_offset
depth_end = depth_start + image_depth
# Copy the k-space data into the image_matrix at the center
image_matrix[col_start:col_end, row_start:row_end, depth_start:depth_end] = k_space
return image_matrix
def autoProcessing(self, sampled, k_space):
Perform automated processing on k-space data.
This method performs a series of processing steps on the k-space data to generate an image.
The steps include inverse FFT, BM4D filtering, direct FFT, Cosbell filtering, zero-padding, and inverse FFT.
sampled (ndarray): The sampled k-space data.
k_space (ndarray): The k-space data to be processed.
ndarray: The processed image generated from the k-space data after automated processing.
# Perform inverse FFT to reconstruct the image in the spatial domain
image = self.runIFFT(k_space)
# Apply the BM4D filter to denoise the image
image = self.runBm4dFilter(np.abs(image))
# Perform direct FFT to transform the denoised image back to k-space
k_sp = self.runDFFT(image)
# Apply the Cosbell filter to k-space data in three directions
k_sp_cb = self.runCosbellFilter(sampled, k_sp, 0.5)
# Perform zero-padding on the Cosbell-filtered k-space data
k_sp_zp = self.runZeroPadding(k_sp_cb, np.array([2, 2, 2]))
# Perform inverse FFT to reconstruct the final image
image = self.runIFFT(k_sp_zp)
return image