Created on Wen April 10 2024
@author: J.M. Algarín, MRILab, i3M, CSIC, Valencia
@author: T. Guallart Naval, MRILab, i3M, CSIC, Valencia
@email: tguanav@i3m.upv.es
@Summary: mse sequence class (from rare sequence class)
import os
import sys
# Get the directory of the current script
main_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(main_directory)
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(parent_directory)
# Define the subdirectories you want to add to sys.path
subdirs = ['MaRGE', 'marcos_client']
# Add the subdirectories to sys.path
for subdir in subdirs:
full_path = os.path.join(parent_directory, subdir)
import numpy as np
import experiment as ex
import scipy.signal as sig
from scipy.stats import linregress
import configs.hw_config as hw # Import the scanner hardware config
import configs.units as units
import seq.mriBlankSeq as blankSeq # Import the mriBlankSequence for any new sequence.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
class MSE(blankSeq.MRIBLANKSEQ):
def __init__(self):
super(MSE, self).__init__()
# Input the parameters
self.addParameter(key='seqName', string='MSEInfo', val='MSE')
self.addParameter(key='nScans', string='Number of scans', val=1, field='IM')
self.addParameter(key='freqOffset', string='Larmor frequency offset (kHz)', val=0.0, units=units.kHz, field='RF')
self.addParameter(key='rfExFA', string='Excitation flip angle (º)', val=90, field='RF')
self.addParameter(key='rfReFA', string='Refocusing flip angle (º)', val=180, field='RF')
self.addParameter(key='rfExTime', string='RF excitation time (us)', val=60.0, units=units.us, field='RF')
self.addParameter(key='rfReTime', string='RF refocusing time (us)', val=120.0, units=units.us, field='RF')
self.addParameter(key='echoSpacing', string='Echo spacing (ms)', val=20.0, units=units.ms, field='SEQ')
self.addParameter(key='preExTime', string='Preexitation time (ms)', val=0.0, units=units.ms, field='SEQ')
self.addParameter(key='inversionTime', string='Inversion time (ms)', val=0.0, units=units.ms, field='SEQ', tip="0 to ommit this pulse")
self.addParameter(key='repetitionTime', string='Repetition time (ms)', val=500., units=units.ms, field='SEQ', tip="0 to ommit this pulse")
self.addParameter(key='fov', string='FOV[x,y,z] (cm)', val=[12.0, 12.0, 12.0], units=units.cm, field='IM')
self.addParameter(key='dfov', string='dFOV[x,y,z] (mm)', val=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], units=units.mm, field='IM', tip="Position of the gradient isocenter")
self.addParameter(key='nPoints', string='nPoints[rd, ph, sl]', val=[60, 60, 10], field='IM')
self.addParameter(key='angle', string='Angle (º)', val=0.0, field='IM')
self.addParameter(key='rotationAxis', string='Rotation axis', val=[0, 0, 1], field='IM')
self.addParameter(key='etl', string='Echo train length', val=20, field='SEQ')
self.addParameter(key='acqTime', string='Acquisition time (ms)', val=2.0, units=units.ms, field='SEQ')
self.addParameter(key='axesOrientation', string='Axes[rd,ph,sl]', val=[2, 1, 0], field='IM', tip="0=x, 1=y, 2=z")
self.addParameter(key='axesEnable', string='Axes enable', val=[1, 1, 1], field='IM', tip="Use 0 for directions with matrix size 1, use 1 otherwise.")
self.addParameter(key='sweepMode', string='Sweep mode', val=0, field='SEQ', tip="0: sweep from -kmax to kmax. 1: sweep from 0 to kmax. 2: sweep from kmax to 0")
self.addParameter(key='rdGradTime', string='Rd gradient time (ms)', val=2.5, units=units.ms, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='rdDephTime', string='Rd dephasing time (ms)', val=1.0, units=units.ms, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='phGradTime', string='Ph gradient time (ms)', val=1.0, units=units.ms, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='rdPreemphasis', string='Rd preemphasis', val=1.0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='rfPhase', string='RF phase (º)', val=0.0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='dummyPulses', string='Dummy pulses', val=1, field='SEQ', tip="Use last dummy pulse to calibrate k = 0")
self.addParameter(key='shimming', string='Shimming (*1e4)', val=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], units=units.sh, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='parFourierFraction', string='Partial fourier fraction', val=1.0, field='OTH', tip="Fraction of k planes aquired in slice direction")
self.addParameter(key='echo_shift', string='Echo time shift', val=0.0, units=units.us, field='OTH', tip='Shift the gradient echo time respect to the spin echo time.')
self.addParameter(key='unlock_orientation', string='Unlock image orientation', val=0, field='OTH', tip='0: Images oriented according to standard. 1: Image raw orientation')
# self.addParameter(key='calculateMap', string='Calculate T2 Map', val=1, field='OTH', tip='0: Do not calculate. 1: Calculate')
self.addParameter(key='rfMode', string='RF mode', val=0, field='OTH', tip='0: CPMG. 1: APCP. 2:APCPMG. 3:CP')
def sequenceInfo(self):
print("3D MSE sequence")
print("Author: Dr. J.M. Algarín")
print("Author: Teresa Guallart Naval")
print("Contact: tguanav@i3m.upv.es")
print("mriLab @ i3M, CSIC, Spain \n")
def sequenceTime(self):
nScans = self.mapVals['nScans']
nPoints = np.array(self.mapVals['nPoints'])
etl = self.mapVals['etl']
repetitionTime = self.mapVals['repetitionTime']
parFourierFraction = self.mapVals['parFourierFraction']
# check if rf amplitude is too high
rfExFA = self.mapVals['rfExFA'] / 180 * np.pi # rads
rfReFA = self.mapVals['rfReFA'] / 180 * np.pi # rads
rfExTime = self.mapVals['rfExTime'] # us
rfReTime = self.mapVals['rfReTime'] # us
rfExAmp = rfExFA / (rfExTime * hw.b1Efficiency)
rfReAmp = rfReFA / (rfReTime * hw.b1Efficiency)
if rfExAmp>1 or rfReAmp>1:
print("RF amplitude is too high, try with longer RF pulse time.")
seqTime = nPoints[1]*nPoints[2]*repetitionTime*1e-3*nScans*parFourierFraction/60
seqTime = np.round(seqTime, decimals=1)
return(seqTime) # minutes, scanTime
# TODO: check for min and max values for all fields
def sequenceAtributes(self):
# Conversion of variables to non-multiplied units
self.angle = self.angle * np.pi / 180 # rads
# Add rotation, dfov and fov to the history
self.rotation = self.rotationAxis.tolist()
# self.dfovs.append(self.dfov.tolist())
def sequenceRun(self, plotSeq=False, demo=False):
print('MSE run')
init_gpa=False # Starts the gpa
self.demo = demo
# Set the fov
self.dfov = self.getFovDisplacement()
self.dfov = self.dfov[self.axesOrientation]
self.fov = self.fov[self.axesOrientation]
# Miscellaneous
self.freqOffset = self.freqOffset*1e6 # MHz
gradRiseTime = hw.grad_rise_time
gSteps = hw.grad_steps
addRdPoints = 10 # Initial rd points to avoid artifact at the begining of rd
randFactor = 0e-3 # Random amplitude to add to the phase gradients
resolution = self.fov/self.nPoints
rfExAmp = self.rfExFA/(self.rfExTime*1e6*hw.b1Efficiency)*np.pi/180
rfReAmp = self.rfReFA/(self.rfReTime*1e6*hw.b1Efficiency)*np.pi/180
self.mapVals['rfExAmp'] = rfExAmp
self.mapVals['rfReAmp'] = rfReAmp
self.mapVals['resolution'] = resolution
self.mapVals['gradRiseTime'] = gradRiseTime
self.mapVals['randFactor'] = randFactor
self.mapVals['addRdPoints'] = addRdPoints
self.mapVals['larmorFreq'] = hw.larmorFreq + self.freqOffset
if rfExAmp>1 or rfReAmp>1:
print("RF amplitude is too high, try with longer RF pulse time.")
# Matrix size
nRD = self.nPoints[0]+2*addRdPoints
nPH = self.nPoints[1]
nSL = self.nPoints[2]
# ETL if etl>nPH
if self.etl>nPH:
self.etl = nPH
# parAcqLines in case parAcqLines = 0
parAcqLines = int(int(self.nPoints[2]*self.parFourierFraction)-self.nPoints[2]/2)
self.mapVals['partialAcquisition'] = parAcqLines
# BW
BW = self.nPoints[0]/self.acqTime*1e-6 # MHz
BWov = BW*hw.oversamplingFactor # MHz
samplingPeriod = 1/BWov # us
# Readout gradient time
if self.rdGradTime<self.acqTime:
self.rdGradTime = self.acqTime
self.mapVals['rdGradTime'] = self.rdGradTime * 1e3 # ms
# Phase and slice de- and re-phasing time
if self.phGradTime==0 or self.phGradTime>self.echoSpacing/2-self.rfExTime/2-self.rfReTime/2-2*gradRiseTime:
self.phGradTime = self.echoSpacing/2-self.rfExTime/2-self.rfReTime/2-2*gradRiseTime
self.mapVals['phGradTime'] = self.phGradTime*1e3 # ms
# Max gradient amplitude
rdGradAmplitude = self.nPoints[0]/(hw.gammaB*self.fov[0]*self.acqTime)*self.axesEnable[0]
phGradAmplitude = nPH/(2*hw.gammaB*self.fov[1]*(self.phGradTime+gradRiseTime))*self.axesEnable[1]
slGradAmplitude = nSL/(2*hw.gammaB*self.fov[2]*(self.phGradTime+gradRiseTime))*self.axesEnable[2]
self.mapVals['rdGradAmplitude'] = rdGradAmplitude
self.mapVals['phGradAmplitude'] = phGradAmplitude
self.mapVals['slGradAmplitude'] = slGradAmplitude
# Readout dephasing amplitude
rdDephAmplitude = 0.5*rdGradAmplitude*(gradRiseTime+self.rdGradTime)/(gradRiseTime+self.rdDephTime)
self.mapVals['rdDephAmplitude'] = rdDephAmplitude
# Phase and slice gradient vector
phGradients = np.linspace(-phGradAmplitude,phGradAmplitude,num=nPH,endpoint=False)
slGradients = np.linspace(-slGradAmplitude,slGradAmplitude,num=nSL,endpoint=False)
# Now fix the number of slices to partailly acquired k-space
nSL = (int(self.nPoints[2]/2)+parAcqLines)*self.axesEnable[2]+(1-self.axesEnable[2])
# Add random displacemnt to phase encoding lines
for ii in range(nPH):
if ii<np.ceil(nPH/2-nPH/20) or ii>np.ceil(nPH/2+nPH/20):
phGradients[ii] = phGradients[ii]+randFactor*np.random.randn()
kPH = hw.gammaB*phGradients*(gradRiseTime+self.phGradTime)
self.mapVals['phGradients'] = phGradients
self.mapVals['slGradients'] = slGradients
# Get the rotation matrix
rot = self.getRotationMatrix()
gradAmp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[0]] = 1
gradAmp = np.reshape(gradAmp, (3, 1))
result = np.dot(rot, gradAmp)
# Initialize k-vectors
k_ph_sl_xyz = np.ones((3, self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*nSL))*hw.gammaB*(self.phGradTime+hw.grad_rise_time)
k_rd_xyz = np.ones((3, self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*nSL))*hw.gammaB
def createSequence(phIndex=0, slIndex=0, lnIndex=0, repeIndexGlobal=0):
repeIndex = 0
acqPoints = 0
orders = 0
# Check in case of dummy pulse fill the cache
if (self.dummyPulses>0 and self.etl*nRD*2>hw.maxRdPoints) or (self.dummyPulses==0 and self.etl*nRD>hw.maxRdPoints):
print('ERROR: Too many acquired points.')
return 0
# Set shimming
self.iniSequence(20, self.shimming)
while acqPoints+self.etl*nRD<=hw.maxRdPoints and orders<=hw.maxOrders and repeIndexGlobal<nRepetitions:
# while repeIndexGlobal<nRepetitions:
# Initialize time
tEx = 20e3+self.repetitionTime*repeIndex+self.inversionTime+self.preExTime
# First I do a noise measurement.
if repeIndex==0:
t0 = tEx-self.preExTime-self.inversionTime-self.acqTime-2*addRdPoints/BW-self.rfExTime/2-hw.blkTime
self.rxGate(t0, self.acqTime+2*addRdPoints/BW)
acqPoints += nRD
# Pre-excitation pulse
if repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses and self.preExTime!=0:
t0 = tEx-self.preExTime-self.inversionTime-self.rfExTime/2-hw.blkTime
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfExTime, rfExAmp, 0)
self.gradTrap(t0 + hw.blkTime + self.rfReTime, gradRiseTime, self.preExTime * 0.5, -0.005, gSteps,
self.axesOrientation[0], self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0 + hw.blkTime + self.rfReTime, gradRiseTime, self.preExTime * 0.5, -0.005, gSteps,
self.axesOrientation[1], self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0 + hw.blkTime + self.rfReTime, gradRiseTime, self.preExTime * 0.5, -0.005, gSteps,
self.axesOrientation[2], self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
# Inversion pulse
if repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses and self.inversionTime!=0:
t0 = tEx-self.inversionTime-self.rfReTime/2-hw.blkTime
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, rfReAmp, 0)
self.gradTrap(t0 + hw.blkTime + self.rfReTime, gradRiseTime, self.inversionTime * 0.5, 0.005,
gSteps, self.axesOrientation[0], self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0 + hw.blkTime + self.rfReTime, gradRiseTime, self.inversionTime * 0.5, 0.005,
gSteps, self.axesOrientation[1], self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0 + hw.blkTime + self.rfReTime, gradRiseTime, self.inversionTime * 0.5, 0.005,
gSteps, self.axesOrientation[2], self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
# Excitation pulse
t0 = tEx-hw.blkTime-self.rfExTime/2
# Dephasing readout
gradAmp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[0]] = rdDephAmplitude
gradAmp = np.dot(rot, np.reshape(gradAmp, (3, 1)))
if repeIndex==(self.dummyPulses-1) or repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses:
t0 = tEx+self.rfExTime/2-hw.gradDelay
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.rdDephTime, gradAmp[0] * self.rdPreemphasis, gSteps,
0, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.rdDephTime, gradAmp[1] * self.rdPreemphasis, gSteps,
1, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.rdDephTime, gradAmp[2] * self.rdPreemphasis, gSteps,
2, self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
# Echo train
for echoIndex in range(self.etl):
tEcho = tEx+self.echoSpacing*(echoIndex+1)
# Refocusing pulse
t0 = tEcho-self.echoSpacing/2-self.rfReTime/2-hw.blkTime
if self.rfMode == 0: # CPMG
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, rfReAmp, np.pi/2+self.rfPhase*np.pi/180)
elif self.rfMode == 1: #
if echoIndex%2 == 0:
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, rfReAmp*1j, np.pi/2+self.rfPhase*np.pi/180)
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, -rfReAmp*1j, np.pi/2+self.rfPhase*np.pi/180)
elif self.rfMode == 2:
if echoIndex%2 == 0:
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, rfReAmp, np.pi/2+self.rfPhase*np.pi/180)
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, -rfReAmp, np.pi/2+self.rfPhase*np.pi/180)
elif self.rfMode == 3:
self.rfRecPulse(t0, self.rfReTime, -rfReAmp*1j, np.pi/2+self.rfPhase*np.pi/180)
# Dephasing phase and slice gradients
gradAmp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[1]] = phGradients[phIndex]
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[2]] = slGradients[slIndex]
gradAmp = np.dot(rot, np.reshape(gradAmp, (3, 1)))
if repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses: # This is to account for dummy pulses
t0 = tEcho-self.echoSpacing/2+self.rfReTime/2-hw.gradDelay
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, gradAmp[0], gSteps, 0, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, gradAmp[1], gSteps, 1, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, gradAmp[2], gSteps, 2, self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
if echoIndex == 0:
# get k-point
k_ph_sl_xyz[:, self.nPoints[0]*lnIndex:self.nPoints[0]*(lnIndex+1)] = \
np.diag(np.reshape(gradAmp, -1)) @ \
k_ph_sl_xyz[:, self.nPoints[0] * lnIndex:self.nPoints[0] * (lnIndex + 1)]
# Readout gradient
gradAmp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[0]] = rdGradAmplitude
gradAmp = np.dot(rot, np.reshape(gradAmp, (3, 1)))
if repeIndex==(self.dummyPulses-1) or repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses: # This is to account for dummy pulses
t0 = tEcho-self.rdGradTime/2-gradRiseTime-hw.gradDelay+self.echo_shift
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.rdGradTime, gradAmp[0], gSteps, 0, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.rdGradTime, gradAmp[1], gSteps, 1, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.rdGradTime, gradAmp[2], gSteps, 2, self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
# Rx gate
if repeIndex==(self.dummyPulses-1) or repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses:
t0 = tEcho-self.acqTime/2-addRdPoints/BW+self.echo_shift
self.rxGate(t0, self.acqTime+2*addRdPoints/BW)
acqPoints += nRD
if repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses and echoIndex == 0:
k_rd_xyz[:, self.nPoints[0] * lnIndex:self.nPoints[0] * (lnIndex + 1)] = \
np.diag(np.reshape(gradAmp, -1)) @ \
k_rd_xyz[:, self.nPoints[0] * lnIndex:self.nPoints[0] * (lnIndex + 1)] @ \
# Rephasing phase and slice gradients
gradAmp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[1]] = phGradients[phIndex]
gradAmp[self.axesOrientation[2]] = slGradients[slIndex]
gradAmp = np.dot(rot, np.reshape(gradAmp, (3, 1)))
t0 = tEcho+self.rdGradTime/2+gradRiseTime-hw.gradDelay+self.echo_shift
if (echoIndex<self.etl-1 and repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses):
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, -gradAmp[0], gSteps, 0, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, -gradAmp[1], gSteps, 1, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, -gradAmp[2], gSteps, 2, self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
elif(echoIndex==self.etl-1 and repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses):
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, gradAmp[0], gSteps, 0, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, gradAmp[1], gSteps, 1, self.shimming)
self.gradTrap(t0, gradRiseTime, self.phGradTime, gradAmp[2], gSteps, 2, self.shimming)
orders = orders+gSteps*6
# Update the phase and slice gradient
if repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses:
# lnIndex +=1
if echoIndex == self.etl-1:
if phIndex == nPH-1:
phIndex = 0
slIndex += 1
phIndex += 1
elif echoIndex == 0:
lnIndex +=1
if repeIndex>=self.dummyPulses:
repeIndexGlobal += 1 # Update the global repeIndex
repeIndex+=1 # Update the repeIndex after the ETL
# Turn off the gradients after the end of the batch
# Return the output variables
return(phIndex, slIndex, lnIndex, repeIndexGlobal, acqPoints)
# Changing time parameters to us
self.rfExTime = self.rfExTime*1e6
self.rfReTime = self.rfReTime*1e6
self.echoSpacing = self.echoSpacing*1e6
self.repetitionTime = self.repetitionTime*1e6
gradRiseTime = gradRiseTime*1e6
self.phGradTime = self.phGradTime*1e6
self.rdGradTime = self.rdGradTime*1e6
self.rdDephTime = self.rdDephTime*1e6
self.inversionTime = self.inversionTime*1e6
self.preExTime = self.preExTime*1e6
self.echo_shift = self.echo_shift*1e6
nRepetitions = int(nSL*nPH)
scanTime = nRepetitions*self.repetitionTime
self.mapVals['scanTime'] = scanTime*nSL*1e-6
nETL = self.etl
# Create full sequence
# Run the experiment
dataFull = []
dummyData = []
overData = []
noise = []
nBatches = 0
repeIndexArray = np.array([0])
repeIndexGlobal = repeIndexArray[0]
phIndex = 0
slIndex = 0
lnIndex = 0
acqPointsPerBatch = []
while repeIndexGlobal<nRepetitions:
nBatches += 1
# Create the experiment if it is not a demo
if not self.demo:
self.expt = ex.Experiment(lo_freq=hw.larmorFreq+self.freqOffset, rx_t=samplingPeriod, init_gpa=init_gpa, gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1))
samplingPeriod = self.expt.get_rx_ts()[0]
BW = 1/samplingPeriod/hw.oversamplingFactor
# Time vector for main points
self.time_vector = np.linspace(-self.nPoints[0]/BW/2 + 0.5/BW, self.nPoints[0]/BW/2 - 0.5/BW,
self.nPoints[0]) * 1e-6 # s
# Run the createSequence method
self.acqTime = self.nPoints[0]/BW # us
self.mapVals['bw'] = BW
phIndex, slIndex, lnIndex, repeIndexGlobal, aa = createSequence(phIndex=phIndex,
# Save instructions into MaRCoS if not a demo
if self.floDict2Exp(rewrite=nBatches==1):
print("Sequence waveforms loaded successfully")
print("ERROR: sequence waveforms out of hardware bounds")
return False
repeIndexArray = np.concatenate((repeIndexArray, np.array([repeIndexGlobal-1])), axis=0)
if not plotSeq:
for ii in range(self.nScans):
print("Batch %i, scan %i running..." % (nBatches, ii+1))
if not self.demo:
acq_points = 0
while acq_points != (aa * hw.oversamplingFactor):
rxd, msgs = self.expt.run()
rxd['rx0'] = rxd['rx0']*hw.adcFactor # Here I normalize to get the result in mV
acq_points = np.size(rxd['rx0'])
print("Acquired points = %i" % acq_points)
print("Expected points = %i" % (aa * hw.oversamplingFactor))
rxd = {}
rxd['rx0'] = np.random.randn(aa*hw.oversamplingFactor) + 1j * np.random.randn(aa*hw.oversamplingFactor)
# Get noise data
noise = np.concatenate((noise, rxd['rx0'][0:nRD*hw.oversamplingFactor]), axis = 0)
rxd['rx0'] = rxd['rx0'][nRD*hw.oversamplingFactor::]
# Get data
if self.dummyPulses>0:
dummyData = np.concatenate((dummyData, rxd['rx0'][0:nRD*self.etl*hw.oversamplingFactor]), axis = 0)
overData = np.concatenate((overData, rxd['rx0'][nRD*self.etl*hw.oversamplingFactor::]), axis = 0)
overData = np.concatenate((overData, rxd['rx0']), axis = 0)
# elif plotSeq and standalone:
# self.plotSequence()
if not self.demo: self.expt.__del__()
del aa
if not plotSeq:
acqPointsPerBatch= (np.array(acqPointsPerBatch)-self.etl*nRD*(self.dummyPulses>0)-nRD)*self.nScans
print('Scans ready!')
self.mapVals['noiseData'] = noise
self.mapVals['overData'] = overData
# Fix the echo position using oversampled data
if self.dummyPulses>0:
dummyData = np.reshape(dummyData, (nBatches*self.nScans, self.etl, nRD*hw.oversamplingFactor))
dummyData = np.average(dummyData, axis=0)
self.mapVals['dummyData'] = dummyData
overData = np.reshape(overData, (-1, self.etl, nRD*hw.oversamplingFactor))
#overData = self.fixEchoPosition(dummyData, overData)
overData = np.reshape(overData, -1)
if self.etl > 1:
# Generate dataFull
dataFull = sig.decimate(overData, hw.oversamplingFactor, ftype='fir', zero_phase=True)
if nBatches>1:
dataFullA = dataFull[0:sum(acqPointsPerBatch[0:-1])]
dataFullB = dataFull[sum(acqPointsPerBatch[0:-1])::]
# Reorganize dataFull
dataProv = np.zeros([self.nScans,nSL*nPH*nRD*nETL])
dataProv = dataProv+1j*dataProv
if nBatches>1:
dataFullA = np.reshape(dataFullA, (nBatches-1, self.nScans, -1, nRD*nETL))
dataFullB = np.reshape(dataFullB, (1, self.nScans, -1, nRD*nETL))
dataFull = np.reshape(dataFull, (nBatches, self.nScans, -1, nRD*nETL))
for scan in range(self.nScans):
if nBatches>1:
dataProv[scan, :] = np.concatenate((np.reshape(dataFullA[:,scan,:,:],-1), np.reshape(dataFullB[:,scan,:,:],-1)), axis=0)
dataProv[scan, :] = np.reshape(dataFull[:,scan,:,:],-1)
dataFull = np.reshape(dataProv,-1)
# Get index for krd = 0
# Average data
dataProv = np.reshape(dataFull, (self.nScans, nRD*nETL*nPH*nSL))
dataProv = np.average(dataProv, axis=0)
# Check where is krd = 0
dataProv = np.reshape(dataProv, (nSL, nPH, nETL, nRD))
dataProv = dataProv[int(self.nPoints[2]/2), int(nPH/2), 0, :]
indkrd0 = np.argmax(np.abs(dataProv))
if indkrd0 < nRD/2-addRdPoints or indkrd0 > nRD/2+addRdPoints:
indkrd0 = int(nRD/2)
# Get individual images
dataFull = np.reshape(dataFull, (self.nScans, nSL, nPH, nETL, nRD))
dataFull = dataFull[:, :, :, :, indkrd0-int(self.nPoints[0]/2):indkrd0+int(self.nPoints[0]/2)]
imgFull = dataFull*0
for jj in range(nETL):
for ii in range(self.nScans):
imgFull[ii, :, :, jj, :] = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(dataFull[ii, :, :, jj, :])))
self.mapVals['dataFull'] = dataFull
self.mapVals['imgFull'] = imgFull
# Average data
dataMSE = np.average(dataFull, axis=0)
# self.mapVals['kSpace3D_MSE'] = dataMSE
imgMSE = dataMSE*0
for jj in range(nETL):
# Do zero padding
dataAllAcq= np.zeros((nETL,self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2]), dtype=complex)
for jj in range(nETL):
dataTemp = np.zeros((self.nPoints[2], self.nPoints[1],self.nPoints[0]))
dataTemp = dataTemp+1j*dataTemp
dataTemp[0:nSL, :, :] = dataMSE[:,:,jj,:]
dataTemp = np.reshape(dataTemp, (1,self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2]))
dataAllAcq[jj,:] = dataTemp
# print(dataAllAcq.shape)
if self.demo:
data = self.myPhantom()
# Fix the position of the sample according to dfov
kMax = np.array(self.nPoints)/(2*np.array(self.fov))*np.array(self.axesEnable)
kRD = self.time_vector*hw.gammaB*rdGradAmplitude
kSL = np.linspace(-kMax[2],kMax[2],num=self.nPoints[2],endpoint=False)
kPH, kSL, kRD = np.meshgrid(kPH, kSL, kRD)
kRD = np.reshape(kRD, (1, self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2]))
kPH = np.reshape(kPH, (1, self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2]))
kSL = np.reshape(kSL, (1, self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2]))
dPhase = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*(self.dfov[0]*kRD+self.dfov[1]*kPH+self.dfov[2]*kSL))
kSpaceAll = np.zeros((self.nPoints[2], self.nPoints[1], nETL, self.nPoints[0]),dtype=complex)
imageAll = np.zeros((self.nPoints[2], self.nPoints[1], nETL, self.nPoints[0]),dtype=complex)
for jj in range(nETL):
dataAllAcq[jj,:] = dataAllAcq[jj,:]*dPhase
dataAux = np.reshape(dataAllAcq[jj,:], (self.nPoints[2], self.nPoints[1], self.nPoints[0]))
kSpaceAll[:,:,jj,:] = dataAux
imageAll[:,:,jj,:] = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(dataAux)))
self.mapVals['kSpace3D_MSE'] = kSpaceAll
self.mapVals['image3D_MSE'] = imageAll
img = np.transpose(imageAll, (0,2,1,3))
img = np.reshape(img, (self.nPoints[2]*nETL, self.nPoints[1], self.nPoints[0]))
self.mapVals['image3D'] = img
data = np.transpose(kSpaceAll, (0,2,1,3))
data = np.reshape(data, (self.nPoints[2]*nETL, self.nPoints[1], self.nPoints[0]))
self.mapVals['kSpace3D'] = data
# Create sampled data
kRD = np.reshape(kRD, (self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2], 1))
kPH = np.reshape(kPH, (self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2], 1))
kSL = np.reshape(kSL, (self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2], 1))
dataAll_sampled = dataAllAcq.T
self.mapVals['kMax'] = kMax
self.mapVals['sampled'] = np.concatenate((kRD, kPH, kSL, dataAll_sampled), axis=1)
self.mapVals['sampledCartesian'] = self.mapVals['sampled'] # To sweep
# if self.calculateMap == 1:
# print('Obtaining T2 Map...')
# def func1(x, m, t2):
# return m*np.exp(-x/t2)
# t2Map = np.zeros((self.nPoints[2], self.nPoints[1], self.nPoints[0],))
# t2_vector = np.linspace(self.echoSpacing, self.echoSpacing * self.etl, num=self.etl, endpoint=True)*1e3 # s
# for kk in range(self.nPoints[2]):
# for jj in range(self.nPoints[1]):
# for ii in range(self.nPoints[0]):
# # Fitting to functions
# fitData, xxx = curve_fit(func1, t2_vector, np.abs(imageAll[kk,jj,:,ii]),
# p0=[np.abs(imageAll[kk,jj,0,ii]), 10])
# t2Map[kk,jj,ii] = fitData[1]
# print(np.min(t2Map))
# print(np.max(t2Map))
# self.mapVals['t2Map'] = t2Map
return True
def sequenceAnalysis(self, mode=None):
nPoints = self.mapVals['nPoints']
axesEnable = self.mapVals['axesEnable']
self.mode = mode
# Get axes in strings
axes = self.mapVals['axesOrientation']
axesDict = {'x':0, 'y':1, 'z':2}
axesKeys = list(axesDict.keys())
axesVals = list(axesDict.values())
axesStr = ['','','']
n = 0
for val in axes:
index = axesVals.index(val)
axesStr[n] = axesKeys[index]
n += 1
if (axesEnable[1] == 0 and axesEnable[2] == 0):
bw = self.mapVals['bw']*1e-3 # kHz
acqTime = self.mapVals['acqTime'] # ms
tVector = np.linspace(-acqTime/2, acqTime/2, nPoints[0])
sVector = self.mapVals['sampled'][:, 3]
fVector = np.linspace(-bw/2, bw/2, nPoints[0])
iVector = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(sVector)))
# Plots to show into the GUI
result1 = {}
result1['widget'] = 'curve'
result1['xData'] = tVector
result1['yData'] = [np.abs(sVector), np.real(sVector), np.imag(sVector)]
result1['xLabel'] = 'Time (ms)'
result1['yLabel'] = 'Signal amplitude (mV)'
result1['title'] = "Signal"
result1['legend'] = ['Magnitude', 'Real', 'Imaginary']
result1['row'] = 0
result1['col'] = 0
result2 = {}
result2['widget'] = 'curve'
result2['xData'] = fVector
result2['yData'] = [np.abs(iVector)]
result2['xLabel'] = 'Frequency (kHz)'
result2['yLabel'] = "Amplitude (a.u.)"
result2['title'] = "Spectrum"
result2['legend'] = ['Spectrum magnitude']
result2['row'] = 1
result2['col'] = 0
self.output = [result1, result2]
# Plot image
image = np.abs(self.mapVals['image3D'])
image = image/np.max(np.reshape(image,-1))*100
# Image orientation
imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
if not self.unlock_orientation: # Image orientation
if self.axesOrientation[2] == 2: # Sagittal
title = "Sagittal"
if self.axesOrientation[0] == 0 and self.axesOrientation[1] == 1: #OK
image = np.flip(image, axis=2)
image = np.flip(image, axis=1)
xLabel = "(-Y) A | PHASE | P (+Y)"
yLabel = "(-X) I | READOUT | S (+X)"
imageOrientation_dicom = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
image = np.flip(image, axis=2)
image = np.flip(image, axis=1)
xLabel = "(-Y) A | READOUT | P (+Y)"
yLabel = "(-X) I | PHASE | S (+X)"
imageOrientation_dicom = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
elif self.axesOrientation[2] == 1: # Coronal
title = "Coronal"
if self.axesOrientation[0] == 0 and self.axesOrientation[1] == 2: #OK
image = np.flip(image, axis=2)
image = np.flip(image, axis=1)
image = np.flip(image, axis=0)
xLabel = "(+Z) R | PHASE | L (-Z)"
yLabel = "(-X) I | READOUT | S (+X)"
imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
image = np.flip(image, axis=2)
image = np.flip(image, axis=1)
image = np.flip(image, axis=0)
xLabel = "(+Z) R | READOUT | L (-Z)"
yLabel = "(-X) I | PHASE | S (+X)"
imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
elif self.axesOrientation[2] == 0: # Transversal
title = "Transversal"
if self.axesOrientation[0] == 1 and self.axesOrientation[1] == 2:
image = np.flip(image, axis=2)
image = np.flip(image, axis=1)
xLabel = "(+Z) R | PHASE | L (-Z)"
yLabel = "(+Y) P | READOUT | A (-Y)"
imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
else: #OK
image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
image = np.flip(image, axis=2)
image = np.flip(image, axis=1)
xLabel = "(+Z) R | READOUT | L (-Z)"
yLabel = "(+Y) P | PHASE | A (-Y)"
imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
xLabel = "%s axis" % axesStr[1]
yLabel = "%s axis" % axesStr[0]
title = "Image"
result1 = {}
result1['widget'] = 'image'
result1['data'] = image
result1['xLabel'] = xLabel
result1['yLabel'] = yLabel
result1['title'] = title
result1['row'] = 0
result1['col'] = 0
result2 = {}
result2['widget'] = 'image'
if self.parFourierFraction==1:
result2['data'] = np.log10(np.abs(self.mapVals['kSpace3D']))
result2['data'] = np.abs(self.mapVals['kSpace3D'])
result2['xLabel'] = "k%s"%axesStr[1]
result2['yLabel'] = "k%s"%axesStr[0]
result2['title'] = "k-Space"
result2['row'] = 0
result2['col'] = 1
# Reset rotation angle and dfov to zero
self.mapVals['angle'] = 0.0
self.mapVals['dfov'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
hw.dfov = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# Image
imageDICOM = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1))
# If it is a 3d image
if len(imageDICOM.shape) > 2:
# Obtener dimensiones
slices, rows, columns = imageDICOM.shape
self.meta_data["Columns"] = columns
self.meta_data["Rows"] = rows
self.meta_data["NumberOfSlices"] = slices
self.meta_data["NumberOfFrames"] = slices
# if it is a 2d image
# Obtener dimensiones
rows, columns = imageDICOM.shape
self.meta_data["Columns"] = columns
self.meta_data["Rows"] = rows
self.meta_data["NumberOfSlices"] = 1
self.meta_data["NumberOfFrames"] = 1
imgAbs = np.abs(imageDICOM)
imgFullAbs = np.abs(imageDICOM) * (2 ** 15 - 1) / np.amax(np.abs(imageDICOM))
x2 = np.amax(np.abs(imageDICOM))
imgFullInt = np.int16(np.abs(imgFullAbs))
imgFullInt = np.reshape(imgFullInt, (slices, rows, columns))
arr = np.zeros((slices, rows, columns), dtype=np.int16)
arr = imgFullInt
self.meta_data["PixelData"] = arr.tobytes()
self.meta_data["WindowWidth"] = 26373
self.meta_data["WindowCenter"] = 13194
self.meta_data["ImageOrientationPatient"] = imageOrientation_dicom
resolution = self.mapVals['resolution'] * 1e3
self.meta_data["PixelSpacing"] = [resolution[0], resolution[1]]
self.meta_data["SliceThickness"] = resolution[2]
# Sequence parameters
self.meta_data["RepetitionTime"] = self.mapVals['repetitionTime']
self.meta_data["EchoTime"] = self.mapVals['echoSpacing']
self.meta_data["EchoTrainLength"] = self.mapVals['etl']
self.output = [result1, result2]
# if self.calculateMap == 0:
# # Add results into the output attribute (result1 must be the image to save in dicom)
# self.output = [result1, result2]
# elif self.calculateMap == 1:
# t2Map = self.mapVals['t2Map']
# result3 = {}
# result3['widget'] = 'image'
# result3['data'] = t2Map
# result3['xLabel'] = xLabel
# result3['yLabel'] = yLabel
# result3['title'] = 'T2 Map'
# result3['row'] = 0
# result3['col'] = 2
# # Add results into the output attribute (result1 must be the image to save in dicom)
# self.output = [result1, result2,result3]
# Save results
if self.mode == 'Standalone':
return self.output
def myPhantom(self):
# Reorganize the fov
n_pixels = self.nPoints[0]*self.nPoints[1]*self.nPoints[2]
# Get x, y and z vectors in real (x, y, z) and relative (rd, ph, sl) coordinates
rd = np.linspace(-self.fov[0] / 2, self.fov[0] / 2, self.nPoints[0])
ph = np.linspace(-self.fov[1] / 2, self.fov[1] / 2, self.nPoints[1])
if self.nPoints[2]==1:
sl = sl = np.linspace(-0, 0, 1)
p = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.0])
p = p[self.axesOrientation]
sl = np.linspace(-self.fov[2] / 2, self.fov[2] / 2, self.nPoints[2])
p = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
ph, sl, rd = np.meshgrid(ph, sl, rd)
rd = np.reshape(rd, (1, -1))
ph = np.reshape(ph, (1, -1))
sl = np.reshape(sl, (1, -1))
pos_rela = np.concatenate((rd, ph, sl), axis=0)
pos_real = pos_rela[self.axesOrientation, :]
# Generate the phantom
image = np.zeros((1, n_pixels))
image = np.concatenate((pos_real, image), axis=0)
r = 0.01
for ii in range(n_pixels):
d = np.sqrt((pos_real[0,ii] - p[0])**2 + (pos_real[1,ii] - p[1])**2 + (pos_real[2,ii] - p[2])**2)
if d <= r:
image[3, ii] = 1
image_3d = np.reshape(image[3, :], self.nPoints[-1::-1])
# Generate k-space
kspace_3d = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(image_3d)))
kspace = np.reshape(kspace_3d, (1, -1))
return kspace
def dummyAnalysis(self):
# Get position vector
fov = self.fov[0]
n = self.nPoints[0]
res = fov / n
rd_vec = np.linspace(-fov / 2, fov / 2, n)
# Get dummy data
dummy_pulses = self.mapVals['dummyData'] * 1
dummy_pulses = np.reshape(sig.decimate(np.reshape(dummy_pulses, -1),
(self.etl, -1))
dummy1 = dummy_pulses[0, 10:-10]
dummy2 = dummy_pulses[1, 10:-10]
# Calculate 1d projections from odd and even echoes
proj1 = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(dummy1)))
proj2 = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(dummy2)))
proj1 = proj1 / np.max(np.abs(proj1))
proj2 = proj2 / np.max(np.abs(proj2))
proj1[np.abs(proj1) < 0.1] = 0
proj2[np.abs(proj2) < 0.1] = 0
# Maks the results
rd_1 = rd_vec[np.abs(proj1) != 0]
proj1 = proj1[np.abs(proj1) != 0]
rd_2 = rd_vec[np.abs(proj2) != 0]
proj2 = proj2[np.abs(proj2) != 0]
# Get phase
phase1 = np.unwrap(np.angle(proj1))
phase2 = np.unwrap(np.angle(proj2))
# Do linear regression
res1 = linregress(rd_1, phase1)
res2 = linregress(rd_2, phase2)
# Print info
print('Info from dummy pulses')
print('Phase difference at iso-center: %0.1f º' % ((res2.intercept - res1.intercept) * 180 / np.pi))
print('Phase slope difference %0.3f rads/m' % (res2.slope - res1.slope))
if __name__=="__main__":
seq = MSE()
seq.sequenceRun(plotSeq=False, demo=True)
# seq.sequencePlot(standalone=True)