Source code for seq.mse_pp

Created on Tuesday, September 17th 2024
@author: Prof. Dr. Maxim Zaitsev, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University of Freiburg, Germany
@author: Dr. J.M. Algarín, MRILab, i3M, CSIC, Valencia, Spain
@Summary: mse sequence class coded with pypulseq compatible with MaRGE

import os
import sys

# Get the directory of the current script
main_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(main_directory)
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(parent_directory)

# Define the subdirectories you want to add to sys.path
subdirs = ['MaRGE', 'marcos_client']

# Add the subdirectories to sys.path
for subdir in subdirs:
    full_path = os.path.join(parent_directory, subdir)

import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig

import pypulseq as pp

import experiment as ex
import configs.hw_config as hw
import configs.units as units
import seq.mriBlankSeq as blankSeq
from marga_pulseq.interpreter import PSInterpreter


[docs] class MSE(blankSeq.MRIBLANKSEQ): def __init__(self): super(MSE, self).__init__() # Input parameters self.nScans = None self.shimming = None self.dummyPulses = None self.freqOffset = None self.rfReFA = None self.rfExFA = None self.rfReTime = None self.rfExTime = None self.rdGradTime = None self.acqTime = None self.repetitionTime = None self.echoSpacing = None self.etl = None self.nPoints = None self.fov = None self.axesOrientation = None self.addParameter(key='seqName', string='MSEInfo', val='MSE_PyPulseq') self.addParameter(key='nScans', string='Number of scans', val=1, field='IM') self.addParameter(key='freqOffset', string='Larmor frequency offset (kHz)', val=0.0, units=units.kHz, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExFA', string='Excitation flip angle (º)', val=90, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfReFA', string='Refocusing flip angle (º)', val=180, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfExTime', string='RF excitation time (us)', val=60.0,, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='rfReTime', string='RF refocusing time (us)', val=120.0,, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='deadTime', string='Dead time (us)', val=20.0,, field='RF') self.addParameter(key='echoSpacing', string='Echo spacing (ms)', val=10.0,, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='repetitionTime', string='Repetition time (ms)', val=40.,, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='fov', string='FOV[x,y,z] (cm)', val=[55.0, 12.0, 12.0],, field='IM') self.addParameter(key='dfov', string='dFOV[x,y,z] (mm)', val=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],, field='IM', tip="Position of the gradient isocenter") self.addParameter(key='nPoints', string='nPoints[rd, ph, sl]', val=[40, 2, 1], field='IM') self.addParameter(key='etl', string='Echo train length', val=2, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='acqTime', string='Acquisition time (ms)', val=2.0,, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='axesOrientation', string='Axes[rd,ph,sl]', val=[2, 1, 0], field='IM', tip="0=x, 1=y, 2=z") self.addParameter(key='rdGradTime', string='Rd gradient time (ms)', val=3.0,, field='OTH') self.addParameter(key='dummyPulses', string='Dummy pulses', val=0, field='SEQ') self.addParameter(key='shimming', string='Shimming (*1e4)', val=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],, field='OTH') self.addParameter(key='unlock_orientation', string='Unlock image orientation', val=0, field='OTH', tip='0: Images oriented according to standard. 1: Image raw orientation') self.addParameter(key='preemphasis', string='Preemphasis', val=1.0, field='OTH') self.addParameter(key='fsp_r', string='fsp_r', val=1.0, field='OTH')
[docs] def sequenceInfo(self): print("3D MSE sequence with PyPulseq") print("Author: Prof. Dr. Maxim Zaitsev") print("University of Freiburg, Germany") print("Author: Dr. José Miguel Algarín") print("mriLab @ i3M, CSIC, Spain \n")
[docs] def sequenceTime(self): nRD, nPH, nSL = np.array(self.mapVals["nPoints"]) repetition_time = self.mapVals["repetitionTime"] * 1e-3 nScans = self.mapVals["nScans"] scan_time = nScans * nPH * nSL * repetition_time / 60 # minutes scan_time = np.round(scan_time, decimals=1) return scan_time # minutes
[docs] def sequenceAtributes(self): super().sequenceAtributes() # self.dfovs.append(self.dfov.tolist()) self.fovs.append(self.fov.tolist())
[docs] def sequenceRun(self, plotSeq=0, demo=False, standalone=False): """ Runs a multi-spin echo (MSE) sequence using PyPulseq to control the pulse sequence timing and hardware settings. This method initiates the running of an MSE sequence, handling various hardware and sequence parameters such as field of view (FOV), resolution, readout gradients, and timing. It prepares and configures the experiment for data acquisition, creates pulse sequence batches, and can either run the experiment or plot the sequence. Parameters ---------- plotSeq : int, optional If set to 1, the sequence will be plotted instead of executed. Defaults to 0. demo : bool, optional If True, the method will simulate the sequence execution in demo mode without actual hardware. Defaults to False. standalone : bool, optional If True, the method will run in standalone mode and plot the sequence. Defaults to False. Key Parameters Used ------------------- - `self.fov`: Field of view (FOV) for the imaging sequence (X, Y, Z). - `self.nPoints`: Number of readout points in each direction (RD, PH, SL). - `self.etl`: Echo train length (number of echoes in the sequence). - `self.echoSpacing`: Time between echoes (TE). - `self.repetitionTime`: Repetition time (TR) between sequences. - `self.acqTime`: Acquisition time during readout. - `self.rfExFA`: Flip angle for excitation pulse. - `self.rfReFA`: Flip angle for refocusing pulse. - `self.dummyPulses`: Number of dummy pulses to add before the actual acquisition starts. - `self.shimming`: Shimming parameters for adjusting magnetic field homogeneity. Key Process Steps ----------------- 1. Initializes the experiment and configures the system parameters, such as bandwidth and gradient times. 2. Defines the readout, phase, and slice gradients according to the `axesOrientation`. 3. Creates RF excitation and refocusing pulses. 4. Prepares and adds sequence blocks (RF pulses, gradients, and delays). 5. Creates and processes batches of the sequence, performing slice and phase encoding sweeps. 6. Executes the pulse sequence or plots it based on the provided arguments. 7. Handles data acquisition and decimation for oversampled data. Returns ------- bool True if the sequence execution or plotting was successful, False if there were errors in configuration or timing. Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if the sequence timing is incorrect or the hardware configuration is out of bounds. Notes ----- - The method assumes access to global hardware settings (`hw`) and a `Experiment` object (`expt`). - In case of sequence plotting, the `plotSeq` argument should be set, and the sequence will be visualized instead of executed. """ print("Run MSE powered by PyPulseq") init_gpa = False self.demo = demo # Define the interpreter. It should be updated on calibration self.flo_interpreter = PSInterpreter( tx_warmup=hw.blkTime, # Transmit chain warm-up time (us) rf_center=hw.larmorFreq * 1e6, # Larmor frequency (Hz) rf_amp_max=hw.b1Efficiency / (2 * np.pi) * 1e6, # Maximum RF amplitude (Hz) gx_max=hw.gFactor[0] * hw.gammaB, # Maximum gradient amplitude for X (Hz/m) gy_max=hw.gFactor[1] * hw.gammaB, # Maximum gradient amplitude for Y (Hz/m) gz_max=hw.gFactor[2] * hw.gammaB, # Maximum gradient amplitude for Z (Hz/m) grad_max=np.max(hw.gFactor) * hw.gammaB, # Maximum gradient amplitude (Hz/m) grad_t=hw.grad_raster_time * 1e6, # Gradient raster time (us) ) # Define system properties according to hw_config file self.system = pp.Opts( rf_dead_time=hw.blkTime * 1e-6, # Dead time between RF pulses (s) max_grad=np.max(hw.gFactor) * 1e3, # Maximum gradient strength (mT/m) grad_unit='mT/m', # Units of gradient strength max_slew=hw.max_slew_rate, # Maximum gradient slew rate (mT/m/ms) slew_unit='mT/m/ms', # Units of gradient slew rate grad_raster_time=hw.grad_raster_time, # Gradient raster time (s) rise_time=hw.grad_rise_time, # Gradient rise time (s) rf_raster_time=1e-6, block_duration_raster=1e-6 ) # Get Parameters self.dfov = self.getFovDisplacement() self.dfov = self.dfov[self.axesOrientation] self.fov = self.fov[self.axesOrientation] resolution = self.fov / self.nPoints self.mapVals['resolution'] = resolution fov_mm = self.fov * 1e3 nRD, nPH, nSL = self.nPoints # this is actually nRd, nPh and nSl, axes given by axesOrientation n_echo = self.etl TE = self.echoSpacing TR = self.repetitionTime dG = hw.grad_rise_time self.mapVals['grad_rise_time'] = hw.grad_rise_time * 1e6 sampling_time = self.acqTime if self.rdGradTime >= self.acqTime: ro_flattop_add = (self.rdGradTime - self.acqTime) / 2 else: print("ERROR: readout gradient time must be longer than acquisition time.") return False nRD_pre = hw.addRdPoints nRD_post = hw.addRdPoints self.mapVals['nRD_pre'] = hw.addRdPoints self.mapVals['nRD_post'] = hw.addRdPoints n_rd_points_per_train = n_echo * (nRD + nRD_post + nRD_pre) os = hw.oversamplingFactor self.mapVals['oversamplingFactor'] = os t_ex = self.rfExTime t_ref = self.rfReTime fsp_r = self.fsp_r # Not sure about what this parameter does. fsp_s = 0.5 # Not sure about what this parameter does. It is not used in the code. # Derived and modified parameters fov = np.array(fov_mm) * 1e-3 TE = round( TE / self.system.grad_raster_time / 2) * self.system.grad_raster_time * 2 # TE (=ESP) should be divisible to a double gradient raster, which simplifies calcuations ro_flattop_time = sampling_time + 2 * ro_flattop_add rf_add = math.ceil(max(self.system.rf_dead_time, self.system.rf_ringdown_time) / self.system.grad_raster_time) * self.system.grad_raster_time # round up dead times to the gradient raster time to enable correct TE & ESP calculation t_sp = round( (0.5 * ( TE - ro_flattop_time - t_ref) - rf_add) / self.system.grad_raster_time) * self.system.grad_raster_time t_spex = round( (0.5 * (TE - t_ex - t_ref) - rf_add) / self.system.grad_raster_time) * self.system.grad_raster_time rf_ex_phase = np.pi / 2 rf_ref_phase = 0 # Map the axis to "x", "y", and "z" according ot axesOrientation axes_map = {0: "x", 1: "y", 2: "z"} rd_channel = axes_map.get(self.axesOrientation[0], "") ph_channel = axes_map.get(self.axesOrientation[1], "") sl_channel = axes_map.get(self.axesOrientation[2], "") # ====== # CREATE EVENTS # ====== flip_ex = self.rfExFA * np.pi / 180 rf_ex = pp.make_block_pulse( flip_angle=flip_ex, system=self.system, duration=t_ex, delay=rf_add, phase_offset=rf_ex_phase, ) d_ex = pp.make_delay(t_ex + rf_add * 2) flip_ref = self.rfReFA * np.pi / 180 rf_ref = pp.make_block_pulse( flip_angle=flip_ref, system=self.system, duration=t_ref, delay=rf_add, phase_offset=rf_ref_phase, use="refocusing", ) d_ref = pp.make_delay(t_ref + rf_add * 2) delta_krd = 1 / fov[0] ro_amp = nRD * delta_krd / sampling_time gr_acq = pp.make_trapezoid( channel=rd_channel, system=self.system, amplitude=ro_amp, flat_time=ro_flattop_time, delay=t_sp, rise_time=dG, ) adc = pp.make_adc( num_samples=(nRD_pre + nRD + nRD_post) * os, dwell=sampling_time / nRD / os, delay=0.5 * (TE - t_ref - (nRD + nRD_post + nRD_pre) * sampling_time / nRD) - rf_add ) gr_spr = pp.make_trapezoid( channel=rd_channel, system=self.system, area=gr_acq.area * fsp_r, duration=t_sp, rise_time=dG, ) agr_spr = gr_spr.area agr_preph = gr_acq.area / 2 + agr_spr gr_preph = pp.make_trapezoid( channel=rd_channel, system=self.system, area=agr_preph, duration=0.0018, rise_time=dG ) delay_preph = pp.make_delay(t_spex) # Phase-encoding delta_kph = 1 / fov[1] gp_max = pp.make_trapezoid( channel=ph_channel, system=self.system, area=delta_kph * nPH / 2, duration=t_sp, rise_time=dG, ) delta_ksl = 1 / fov[2] gs_max = pp.make_trapezoid( channel=sl_channel, system=self.system, area=delta_ksl * nSL / 2, duration=t_sp, rise_time=dG, ) # combine parts of the read gradient gc_times = np.array( [ 0, gr_spr.rise_time, gr_spr.flat_time, gr_spr.fall_time, gr_acq.flat_time, gr_spr.fall_time, gr_spr.flat_time, gr_spr.rise_time, ]) gc_times = np.cumsum(gc_times) gr_amp = np.array([0, gr_spr.amplitude, gr_spr.amplitude, gr_acq.amplitude, gr_acq.amplitude, gr_spr.amplitude, gr_spr.amplitude, 0]) gr = pp.make_extended_trapezoid(channel=rd_channel, times=gc_times, amplitudes=gr_amp) gp_amp = np.array([0, gp_max.amplitude, gp_max.amplitude, 0, 0, -gp_max.amplitude, -gp_max.amplitude, 0]) gp_max = pp.make_extended_trapezoid(channel=ph_channel, times=gc_times, amplitudes=gp_amp) gs_amp = np.array([0, gs_max.amplitude, gs_max.amplitude, 0, 0, -gs_max.amplitude, -gs_max.amplitude, 0]) gs_max = pp.make_extended_trapezoid(channel=sl_channel, times=gc_times, amplitudes=gs_amp) # Fill-times t_ex = pp.calc_duration(d_ex) + pp.calc_duration(delay_preph) t_ref = pp.calc_duration(d_ref) + pp.calc_duration(gr) t_train = t_ex + n_echo * t_ref TR_fill = TR - t_train # Round to gradient raster TR_fill = self.system.grad_raster_time * np.round(TR_fill / self.system.grad_raster_time) if TR_fill < 0: # print("ERROR: Repetition time too short.") return 0 delay_TR = pp.make_delay(TR_fill) # Initialize batches dictionary where batches will be saved batches = {} def initializeBatch(name="pp_1"): """ Initialize a sequence with specified name and add predefined blocks for MRI pulse sequence corresponding to dummy pulses. This function initializes a new sequence with the given name (or "pp_1" by default) and adds blocks for dummy pulses, RF excitation, pre-phasing gradients, echo cycles, and TR delay. The slice and phase encoding gradients are set to zero, and multiple dummy pulses and echo blocks are added to the sequence. Parameters: ---------- name : str, optional The name of the sequence to initialize. Defaults to "pp_1". Actions: -------- 1. Initializes a new sequence object. 2. Sets the slice and phase gradients to 0. 3. Adds dummy pulses followed by excitation, prephasing, echo, and TR blocks. Notes: ------ The function assumes that the following variables are defined globally or accessible in the scope: - `batches`: a dictionary to store the batches. - `pp`: pypulseq class responsible for handling sequences and gradients. - `gs_max`, `gp_max`: maximum values for slice and phase gradients. - `rf_ex`, `d_ex`: RF excitation pulse and corresponding duration. - `gr_preph`: pre-phasing gradient block. - `n_echo`: number of echo cycles. - `rf_ref`, `d_ref`: RF refocusing pulse and corresponding duration. - `gs`, `gp`, `gr`: slice, phase, and readout gradients. - `delay_TR`: delay block for the repetition time (TR). """ # Instantiate pypulseq sequence object and save it into the batches dictionary batches[name] = pp.Sequence(self.system) # Set slice and phase gradients to 0 gs = pp.scale_grad(gs_max, 0.0) gp = pp.scale_grad(gp_max, 0.0) # Create dummy pulses for dummy in range(self.dummyPulses): # Add excitation and pre-phasing batches[name].add_block(rf_ex, d_ex) batches[name].add_block(pp.scale_grad(gr_preph, self.preemphasis), delay_preph) # Add echo train for k_echo in range(n_echo): batches[name].add_block(rf_ref, d_ref) batches[name].add_block(gs, gp, gr) # Add repetition delay batches[name].add_block(delay_TR) def createBatches(): """ Create MRI pulse sequence based on slice and phase sweeps, manage readout points, and ensure timing correctness for each sequence. This method generates multiple batches by sweeping across slice and phase encoding gradients, adding excitation, refocusing pulses, and gradient blocks. It dynamically divides the readout points between batches and ensures that no one exceeds the maximum allowable readout points. The batches are checked for timing errors, and the finalized batches are written to files. Workflow: --------- 1. Loop over slice positions (`Cz`) and phase positions (`Cy`) to generate batches. 2. Initialize a new sequence when needed based on the readout points limit. 3. Add excitation, refocusing pulses, gradients (slice, phase, readout), and ADC blocks. 4. Ensure correct timing of the final sequence and generate a timing error report if needed. 5. Write each sequence to a file and interpret the sequence to generate waveforms. Returns: -------- waveforms : dict Dictionary containing waveforms for each sequence. n_rd_points_dict : dict Dictionary tracking the number of readout points for each sequence. Notes: ------ The function assumes that the following variables are defined globally or accessible in the scope: - `nSL`: number of slices. - `nPH`: number of phase encoding steps. - `n_rd_points_per_train`: number of readout points per echo train. - `hw.maxRdPoints`: hardware maximum allowable readout points. - `rf_ex`, `d_ex`: RF excitation pulse and corresponding duration. - `rf_ref`, `d_ref`: RF refocusing pulse and corresponding duration. - `gr_preph`: pre-phasing gradient block. - `gs_max`, `gp_max`: maximum slice and phase gradient amplitudes. - `n_echo`: number of echoes per sequence. - `nRD`, `nRD_post`, `nRD_pre`: readout duration and pre/post readout periods. - `adc`: analog-to-digital converter settings for readout. - `delay_TR`: delay block for the repetition time (TR). - `pp`: a module or class for gradient scaling and sequence management. Timing Check: ------------- The function performs a timing check after generating the batches. If the timing is incorrect, an error report is printed with details. File Output: ------------ The sequence files are saved with the `.seq` extension, and the waveforms are interpreted using the `flo_interpreter`. """ n_rd_points = 0 n_rd_points_dict = {} seq_idx = 0 seq_num = "batch_0" waveforms = {} # Slice sweep for Cz in range(nSL): # Get slice gradient amplitude Nph_range = range(nPH) # Phase sweep for Cy in Nph_range: # Initialize new sequence with corresponding dummy pulses if seq_idx == 0 or n_rd_points + n_rd_points_per_train > hw.maxRdPoints: # Write seq file if seq_idx > 0: batches[seq_num].write(seq_num + ".seq") waveforms[seq_num], param_dict = self.flo_interpreter.interpret(seq_num + ".seq") print(seq_num + ".seq ready!") # Create new batch seq_idx += 1 n_rd_points_dict[seq_num] = n_rd_points seq_num = "batch_%i" % seq_idx initializeBatch(seq_num) n_rd_points = 0 print("Creating " + seq_num + ".seq...") # Fix the phase and slice amplitude sl_scale = (Cz - nSL / 2) / nSL * 2 pe_scale = (Cy - nPH / 2) / nPH * 2 gs = pp.scale_grad(gs_max, sl_scale) gp = pp.scale_grad(gp_max, pe_scale) # Add excitation pulse and readout de-phasing gradient batches[seq_num].add_block(rf_ex, d_ex) batches[seq_num].add_block(pp.scale_grad(gr_preph, self.preemphasis), delay_preph) # Add the echo train for k_echo in range(n_echo): # Add refocusing pulse batches[seq_num].add_block(rf_ref, d_ref) # Add slice, phase and readout gradients batches[seq_num].add_block(gs, gp, gr, adc) n_rd_points += nRD + nRD_post + nRD_pre # Add time delay to next repetition batches[seq_num].add_block(delay_TR) # Get the rd point list n_rd_points_dict.pop('batch_0') n_rd_points_dict[seq_num] = n_rd_points # Write the sequence files batches[seq_num].write(seq_num + ".seq") waveforms[seq_num], param_dict = self.flo_interpreter.interpret(seq_num + ".seq") print(seq_num + ".seq ready!") print("%i batches created." % len(batches)) print("Sequence ready!") return waveforms, n_rd_points_dict # Create the batches waveforms, n_readouts = createBatches() self.mapVals['n_readouts'] = list(n_readouts.values()) self.mapVals['n_batches'] = len(n_readouts.values()) scan_time = (nPH * nSL + self.mapVals['n_batches'] * self.dummyPulses) * self.repetitionTime * self.nScans self.mapVals['Scan_time_s'] = scan_time # Execute the batches data_over = [] # To save oversampled data for seq_num in waveforms.keys(): # Initialize the experiment bw = nRD / sampling_time * hw.oversamplingFactor # Hz sampling_period = 1 / bw # s self.mapVals['Sampling_Period_s'] = sampling_period if not self.demo: self.expt = ex.Experiment(lo_freq=hw.larmorFreq + self.freqOffset * 1e-6, # MHz rx_t=sampling_period * 1e6, # us init_gpa=init_gpa, gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1), auto_leds=True ) sampling_period = self.expt.get_rx_ts()[0] # us bw = 1 / sampling_period / hw.oversamplingFactor # MHz print("Acquisition bandwidth fixed to: %0.3f kHz" % (bw * 1e3)) else: sampling_period = sampling_period * 1e6 # us bw = 1 / sampling_period / hw.oversamplingFactor # MHz sampling_time = nRD / bw * 1e-6 # s self.mapVals['Bandwidth_Hz'] = bw * 1e6 # Hz self.mapVals['Sampling_Time_s'] = sampling_time self.mapVals['larmorFreq'] = hw.larmorFreq # Save the waveforms into the mriBlankSeq dictionaries self.pypulseq2mriblankseq(waveforms=waveforms[seq_num], shimming=self.shimming) # Load the waveforms into the red pitaya if not self.demo: if self.floDict2Exp(): print("Sequence waveforms loaded successfully") pass else: print("ERROR: sequence waveforms out of hardware bounds") return False # Run the experiment or plot the sequence if not plotSeq: for scan in range(self.nScans): print("Scan %i, batch %s/%i running..." % ((scan + 1), seq_num[-1], len(n_readouts.values()))) acq_points = 0 while acq_points != n_readouts[seq_num] * hw.oversamplingFactor: if not self.demo: rxd, msgs = else: rxd = {'rx0': np.random.randn(n_readouts[seq_num] * hw.oversamplingFactor) + 1j * np.random.randn(n_readouts[seq_num] * hw.oversamplingFactor)} acq_points = np.size([rxd['rx0']]) data_over = np.concatenate((data_over, rxd['rx0']), axis=0) print("Acquired points = %i" % acq_points) print("Expected points = %i" % (n_readouts[seq_num] * hw.oversamplingFactor)) print("Scan %i ready!" % (scan + 1)) elif plotSeq and standalone: self.sequencePlot(standalone=standalone) return True # Close the experiment if not self.demo: self.expt.__del__() # Process data to be plotted if not plotSeq: self.mapVals['data_over'] = data_over data_full = sig.decimate(data_over, hw.oversamplingFactor, ftype='fir', zero_phase=True) self.mapVals['data_full'] = data_full return True
[docs] def sequenceAnalysis(self, mode=None): self.mode = mode # Get data data_full = self.mapVals['data_full'] nRD, nPH, nSL = self.nPoints nRD = nRD + 2 * hw.addRdPoints n_batches = self.mapVals['n_batches'] # Reorganize data_full data_prov = np.zeros([self.nScans, nRD * nPH * nSL * self.etl], dtype=complex) if n_batches > 1: n_rds = self.mapVals['n_readouts'] data_full_a = data_full[0:sum(n_rds[0:-1]) * self.nScans] data_full_b = data_full[sum(n_rds[0:-1]) * self.nScans:] data_full_a = np.reshape(data_full_a, newshape=(n_batches - 1, self.nScans, -1, nRD)) data_full_b = np.reshape(data_full_b, newshape=(1, self.nScans, -1, nRD)) for scan in range(self.nScans): data_scan_a = np.reshape(data_full_a[:, scan, :, :], -1) data_scan_b = np.reshape(data_full_b[:, scan, :, :], -1) data_prov[scan, :] = np.concatenate((data_scan_a, data_scan_b), axis=0) else: data_full = np.reshape(data_full, (1, self.nScans, -1, nRD)) for scan in range(self.nScans): data_prov[scan, :] = np.reshape(data_full[:, scan, :, :], -1) data_full = np.reshape(data_prov, -1) # Average data data_full = np.reshape(data_full, newshape=(self.nScans, -1)) data = np.average(data_full, axis=0) self.mapVals['data'] = data # Generate different k-space data data_ind = np.zeros(shape=(self.etl, nSL, nPH, nRD), dtype=complex) data = np.reshape(data, newshape=(nSL, nPH, self.etl, nRD)) for echo in range(self.etl): data_ind[echo, :, :, :] = np.squeeze(data[:, :, echo, :]) # Remove added data in readout direction data_ind = data_ind[:, :, :, hw.addRdPoints: nRD - hw.addRdPoints] self.mapVals['kSpace'] = data_ind # Get images image_ind = np.zeros_like(data_ind) for echo in range(self.etl): image_ind[echo] = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(data_ind[echo]))) self.mapVals['iSpace'] = image_ind # Prepare data to plot (plot central slice) axes_dict = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} axes_keys = list(axes_dict.keys()) axes_vals = list(axes_dict.values()) axes_str = ['', '', ''] n = 0 for val in self.axesOrientation: index = axes_vals.index(val) axes_str[n] = axes_keys[index] n += 1 # Normalize image k_space = np.zeros((self.etl * nSL, nPH, nRD - 2 * hw.addRdPoints)) image = np.zeros((self.etl * nSL, nPH, nRD - 2 * hw.addRdPoints)) n = 0 for slice in range(nSL): for echo in range(self.etl): k_space[n, :, :] = np.abs(data_ind[echo, slice, :, :]) image[n, :, :] = np.abs(image_ind[echo, slice, :, :]) n += 1 image = image / np.max(image) * 100 imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] if not self.unlock_orientation: # Image orientation pass if self.axesOrientation[2] == 2: # Sagittal title = "Sagittal" if self.axesOrientation[0] == 0 and self.axesOrientation[1] == 1: # OK image = np.flip(image, axis=2) image = np.flip(image, axis=1) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=2) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=1) x_label = "(-Y) A | PHASE | P (+Y)" y_label = "(-X) I | READOUT | S (+X)" imageOrientation_dicom = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0] else: image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1)) image = np.flip(image, axis=2) image = np.flip(image, axis=1) k_space = np.transpose(k_space, (0, 2, 1)) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=2) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=1) x_label = "(-Y) A | READOUT | P (+Y)" y_label = "(-X) I | PHASE | S (+X)" imageOrientation_dicom = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0] elif self.axesOrientation[2] == 1: # Coronal title = "Coronal" if self.axesOrientation[0] == 0 and self.axesOrientation[1] == 2: # OK image = np.flip(image, axis=2) image = np.flip(image, axis=1) image = np.flip(image, axis=0) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=2) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=1) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=0) x_label = "(+Z) R | PHASE | L (-Z)" y_label = "(-X) I | READOUT | S (+X)" imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0] else: image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1)) image = np.flip(image, axis=2) image = np.flip(image, axis=1) image = np.flip(image, axis=0) k_space = np.transpose(k_space, (0, 2, 1)) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=2) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=1) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=0) x_label = "(+Z) R | READOUT | L (-Z)" y_label = "(-X) I | PHASE | S (+X)" imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0] elif self.axesOrientation[2] == 0: # Transversal title = "Transversal" if self.axesOrientation[0] == 1 and self.axesOrientation[1] == 2: image = np.flip(image, axis=2) image = np.flip(image, axis=1) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=2) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=1) x_label = "(+Z) R | PHASE | L (-Z)" y_label = "(+Y) P | READOUT | A (-Y)" imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] else: # OK image = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1)) image = np.flip(image, axis=2) image = np.flip(image, axis=1) k_space = np.transpose(k_space, (0, 2, 1)) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=2) k_space = np.flip(k_space, axis=1) x_label = "(+Z) R | READOUT | L (-Z)" y_label = "(+Y) P | PHASE | A (-Y)" imageOrientation_dicom = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] else: x_label = "%s axis" % axes_str[1] y_label = "%s axis" % axes_str[0] title = "Image" result1 = {'widget': 'image', 'data': image, 'xLabel': x_label, 'yLabel': y_label, 'title': title, 'row': 0, 'col': 0} result2 = {'widget': 'image', 'data': np.log10(k_space), 'xLabel': x_label, 'yLabel': y_label, 'title': "k_space", 'row': 0, 'col': 1} # Dicom tags image_DICOM = np.transpose(image, (0, 2, 1)) slices, rows, columns = image_DICOM.shape self.meta_data["Columns"] = columns self.meta_data["Rows"] = rows self.meta_data["NumberOfSlices"] = slices self.meta_data["NumberOfFrames"] = slices img_full_abs = np.abs(image_DICOM) * (2 ** 15 - 1) / np.amax(np.abs(image_DICOM)) img_full_int = np.int16(np.abs(img_full_abs)) img_full_int = np.reshape(img_full_int, newshape=(slices, rows, columns)) arr = img_full_int self.meta_data["PixelData"] = arr.tobytes() self.meta_data["WindowWidth"] = 26373 self.meta_data["WindowCenter"] = 13194 self.meta_data["ImageOrientationPatient"] = imageOrientation_dicom resolution = self.mapVals['resolution'] * 1e3 self.meta_data["PixelSpacing"] = [resolution[0], resolution[1]] self.meta_data["SliceThickness"] = resolution[2] # Sequence parameters self.meta_data["RepetitionTime"] = self.mapVals['repetitionTime'] self.meta_data["EchoTime"] = self.mapVals['echoSpacing'] self.meta_data["EchoTrainLength"] = self.mapVals['etl'] # create self.out to run in iterative mode self.output = [result1, result2] # save data once self.output is created self.saveRawData() # Plot result in standalone execution if self.mode == 'Standalone': self.plotResults() return self.output
if __name__ == "__main__": # main(plot=True, write_seq=True) seq = MSE() seq.sequenceAtributes() seq.sequenceRun(plotSeq=True, demo=True, standalone=True) # seq.sequenceAnalysis(mode='Standalone')