Created on Thu June 2 2022
@author: J.M. Algarín, MRILab, i3M, CSIC, Valencia
@email: josalggui@i3m.upv.es
@Summary: This class is able to sweep any parameter from any sequence
import os
import sys
# Get the directory of the current script
main_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(main_directory)
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(parent_directory)
# Define the subdirectories you want to add to sys.path
subdirs = ['MaRGE', 'marcos_client']
# Add the subdirectories to sys.path
for subdir in subdirs:
full_path = os.path.join(parent_directory, subdir)
import numpy as np
import seq.mriBlankSeq as blankSeq
class SweepImage(blankSeq.MRIBLANKSEQ):
def __init__(self):
super(SweepImage, self).__init__()
# Input the parameters
self.addParameter(key='seqName', string='SWEEPinfo', val='SWEEP')
self.addParameter(key='seqNameSweep', string='Sequence', val='Noise', field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='parameter0', string='Parameter 0 X-axis', val='bw', field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='start0', string='Start point 0', val=30.0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='end0', string='End point 0', val=50.0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='logScale', string='Log scale', val=0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='nSteps0', string='Number of steps 0', val=5, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='parameter1', string='Parameter 1 Y-axis', val='larmorFreq', field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='start1', string='Start point 1', val=3.0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='end1', string='End point 1', val=4.0, field='OTH')
self.addParameter(key='nSteps1', string='Number of steps 1', val=5, field='OTH')
def sequenceInfo(self):
print("Genera sweep sequence")
print("Author: Dr. J.M. Algarín")
print("Contact: josalggui@i3m.upv.es")
print("mriLab @ i3M, CSIC, Spain\n")
def sequenceTime(self):
return(0) # minutes, scanTime
def sequenceRun(self, plotSeq=0, demo=True):
# Inputs
seqName = self.mapVals['seqNameSweep']
parameters = [self.mapVals['parameter0'], self.mapVals['parameter1']]
start = [self.mapVals['start0'], self.mapVals['start1']]
end = [self.mapVals['end0'], self.mapVals['end1']]
nSteps = [self.mapVals['nSteps0'], self.mapVals['nSteps1']]
# Sweep
sampled = []
parVector0 = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], nSteps[0]) # Create vector with parameters to sweep
if self.mapVals['logScale'] == 1:
parVector0 = np.geomspace(start[0], end[0], nSteps[0])
parVector1 = np.linspace(start[1], end[1], nSteps[1])
seq = self.sequence_list[seqName] # Select the sequence that we want to sweep with modified parameters
parMatrix = np.zeros((nSteps[0]*nSteps[1], 2))
n = 0
for step0 in range(nSteps[0]):
for step1 in range(nSteps[1]):
parMatrix[n, 0] = parVector0[step0]
parMatrix[n, 1] = parVector1[step1]
seq.mapVals[parameters[0]] = parVector0[step0]
seq.mapVals[parameters[1]] = parVector1[step1]
seq.sequenceRun(plotSeq=0, demo=demo)
if 'sampledCartesian' in seq.mapVals:
sampled.append(seq.mapVals['sampledCartesian']) # sampledCartesian is four column kx, ky, kz and S(kx, ky, kz)
elif 'sampledPoint' in seq.mapVals:
print('No signal to plot')
return 0
n += 1
self.seq = seq
self.sampled = sampled
return True
def sequenceAnalysis(self, obj=''):
nSteps = [self.mapVals['nSteps0'], self.mapVals['nSteps1']]
start = [self.mapVals['start0'], self.mapVals['start1']]
end = [self.mapVals['end0'], self.mapVals['end1']]
parVector0 = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], nSteps[0]) # Create vector with parameters to sweep
if 'sampledCartesian' in self.seq.mapVals: # In case of images
# Initialize data and image variables as zeros
nPoints = np.array(self.seq.mapVals['nPoints'])
dataSteps = np.zeros((nSteps[0] * nSteps[1], nPoints[1], nPoints[0]), dtype=complex)
imageSteps = dataSteps.copy()
# Get axes in strings
axes = self.seq.mapVals['axesOrientation']
axesDict = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
axesKeys = list(axesDict.keys())
axesVals = list(axesDict.values())
axesStr = ['', '', '']
n = 0
for val in axes:
index = axesVals.index(val)
axesStr[n] = axesKeys[index]
n += 1
# Generate k-space maps and images
for step in range(nSteps[0]*nSteps[1]):
data = self.sampled[step][:, 3]
data = np.reshape(data, (nPoints[2], nPoints[1], nPoints[0]))
image = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(data)))
dataSteps[step, :, :] = data[int(nPoints[2]/2), :, :]
imageSteps[step, :, :] = image[int(nPoints[2]/2), :, :]
# Plot image
image = np.abs(imageSteps)
image = image / np.max(np.reshape(image, -1)) * 100
result1 = {'widget': 'image',
'data': image,
'xLabel': axesStr[0],
'yLabel': axesStr[1],
'title': "%s sweep images" % self.mapVals['seqNameSweep'],
'row': 0,
'col': 0}
# Plot k-space
kSpace = np.log10(np.abs(dataSteps))
kSpace = kSpace / np.max(np.reshape(kSpace, -1)) * 100
result2 = {'widget': 'image',
'data': kSpace,
'xLabel': axesStr[0],
'yLabel': axesStr[1],
'title': "%s sweep k-spaces" % self.mapVals['seqNameSweep'],
'row': 0,
'col': 1}
self.output = [result1, result2]
elif 'sampledPoint' in self.seq.mapVals: # In case of points (calibration sequences)
image = np.zeros((1, nSteps[0], nSteps[1]), dtype=complex)
n = 0
for step0 in range(nSteps[0]):
for step1 in range(nSteps[1]):
image[0, step0, step1] = self.sampled[n]
n += 1
# Plot image
if nSteps[1]>1: # If we sweep two parameters, show a map
image = np.abs(image)
map = image = image / np.max(np.reshape(image, -1)) * 100
result1 = {'widget': 'image',
'data': np.abs(image),
'xLabel': self.seq.mapNmspc[self.mapVals['parameter0']],
'yLabel': self.seq.mapNmspc[self.mapVals['parameter1']],
'title': '%s sweep' % self.mapVals['seqNameSweep'],
'row': 0,
'col': 0}
else: # If we sweep only one parameter, show a line plot
image = np.reshape(image, -1)
result1 = {'widget': 'curve',
'xData': parVector0,
'yData': [np.abs(image)],
'xLabel': self.seq.mapNmspc[self.mapVals['parameter0']],
'yLabel': 'Output amplitude',
'title': '%s sweep' % self.mapVals['seqNameSweep'],
'legend': [''],
'row': 0,
'col': 0}
self.mapVals['sweepResult'] = [parVector0, np.abs(image)]
self.output = [result1]
return self.output
if __name__=='__main__':
seq = SweepImage()